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©The Little Ladybug Shop

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1 ©The Little Ladybug Shop
April Week of the 30tH Fairy Tales - Letter Zz Monday……....Movement (pm) Tuesday………..Science (pm) Wednesday.….Music (pm) Thursday……….Cooking (pm) Friday……….…..Art (pm) Reminders April 30th 7:20-9:15 a.m. and again at 2:30-5:30 p.m. May 16th Year End Celebration 6:00pm Peek at the Week You will be able to view photos of your kids on Monday from 7:20-9:15am and again at 2:30-5:30. We discussed fairy tales and what a fairy tale consists of. We will continue fairy tales through next week and be planting beans and see how tall our beanstalks will get before the end of the year. . On May 5 the Pedal House is hosting a bike safety program from 10-12am outside their shop. Join them for bike checks and free helmet giveaway. Graduation is May 16th at 6:00. It will be in the Laramie High School Auditorium. Please arrive around 5:45 Thank you to Case, Kateri, William, and Rio for bringing snacks last week. Contact info…. Phone: ©The Little Ladybug Shop

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