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Cornelius Talent Development

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1 Cornelius Talent Development
TD Certified 3rd - 5th Students

2 Meet Your Teacher Brian Rosebrook Responsibilities:
TD Identification 2-5 K-1 Enrichment Instruction 3-5 Indirect teacher support K-5 District/School programs (Robotics, Mathapolooza, Math Olympiad etc.)

3 Today we will discuss... The TD program in CMS Goal of the program
Curriculum Catalyst Model TD at Cornelius Expectations Staying Connected

4 Why Talent Development?
The goal of the Talent Development and Advanced Studies Program in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is to provide rigorous curriculum and academic opportunities so each student may reach a classroom performance level consistent with his/her intellectual ability.

5 The TD program Benefits
Gifted education and general education are related, connected, and integrated. Out of class sessions are scheduled during scheduled differentiation. The pace of learning is enhanced. High achieving students receive more challenging tasks within the classroom. Classroom and TD teachers work together to maximize student learning. Source: The TD Catalyst Program

6 The Curriculum: Enrich & Extend
The North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) Additional Curriculum Literacy: Combination of resources and strategies such as William and Mary Language Arts Curriculum, Socratic Seminars (Paideia), novel studies, Junior Great Books, integrated writing, research skills, problem based learning, and project based learning Math: Combination of resources and strategies such as Math Olympiad competition, Navigators series, M2/M3 gifted curriculum units, Hands on Equations, problem based learning, and project based learning

7 New This Year!

8 New continued Hands on Learning Fractions

9 How Does the Catalyst Program Work?
The classroom teacher and Talent Development teachers share responsibility for the education of gifted students. The TD teacher provides lessons and activities for teachers to use in the heterogeneous classroom AND/OR teaches students directly. The TD teacher provides enrichment and acceleration for students who have shown mastery of objectives being taught in the regular classroom through direct or indirect instruction.

10 What Does the Catalyst Model Look Like?
Direct Services Indirect Services

11 New North Carolina Law House Bill 986
Starting in the school year, students who scored a level 5 on any EOG or EOC in mathematics (3rd-8thMath EOG, Math 1 EOC) shall be enrolled in an advanced mathematics course for their next mathematics course, as practicable.

12 TD at Cornelius

13 So What Does TD Look like at Cornelius?
Literacy & Math Direct Instruction – Maximum of 180 min/week (4 days/week 3rd-5th) Indirect Instruction - Independent projects/TD Learning Materials (K-5th) Teacher Collaboration - Sharing of TD resources and implementation of lesson ideas geared towards gifted learners (shared in grade level planning K-5th)

14 DEP Document What it is… What it is not… Differentiated Education Plan
Part of the NCDPI State Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Plan Brief summary of services provided by the school and the TD teachers Specific for each grade level Stored in the student’s permanent record What it is not… Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Part of federal law (IDEA) for children receiving special education services

15 DEP Checklist at Cornelius
Learning Environment Cluster grouping Flexible grouping Pull out grouping Curriculum William & Mary Novel Units Hands On Equations Problem Solver Math Navigation Services Jacob’s Ladder Caesar’s English/Wordmasters M2/M3 math programs

16 DEP Checklist (continued)
Extracurricular Opportunities Academic competitions (Math Olympiad, Mathapalooza, STEM, Robotics) Duke TIP Drama Club North learning community STEAM tournament Instructional Strategies Differentiated units Project based learning Problem based learning Research projects Academic enrichment Interest/choice projects Socratic seminar


18 How Do We Determine Our Groups?
Multiple data points (TD certification, MAP, EOG, classroom performance, teacher recommendations) TD certified and catalyst students Students can be seen for math and/or literacy

19 Performance Review Completed annually by TD teachers in June, to evaluate student performance Revised this year as part of the new CMS AIG plan Reflects 21st Century Skills Sent home with fourth quarter report cards Scoring for each category ranges from 1 to 4 1 - rarely demonstrates skill 2 - sometimes demonstrates skill 3 - consistently demonstrates skill 4 - is a role model; independently seeks to utilize skill

20 Performance Review Categories
Communication and collaboration skills (written, spoken, and verbal) Critical thinking and problem-solving (analyzing, evaluating, reasoning) Creativity and innovation (innovative thinking, new solutions, originality, products) Personal growth (motivation, social/emotional awareness)

21 Student Expectations Critical & Creative Thinking
Handle accelerated & advanced pace Healthy and positive attitude toward rigorous content, pace, and expectations Independent learners completion of assignments develop organizational skills develop a strong work ethic

22 TD Grades -Grades are given in grades 3-5 -Informal grades
-Grades based on effort and completeness -Students have 1 week to complete assignments -Drops a letter grade for each day late -Combines with classroom reading and math grades.

23 What is Grit?

24 Parent Expectations Keep up with the communication from TD
Weebly page (parents). Encourage your child to use his/her agenda and other planning aids to manage assignments. Check on student assignments on Google Classroom Encourage your child to embrace challenges and persevere. These qualities will better prepare him/her for middle school honors classes and reduce underachievement.

25 TD Information & Contacts
A great deal of information can be found on our webpage: Teacher contact information (Brian Rosebrook)

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