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Word Parts List #6 *the last one*

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1 Word Parts List #6 *the last one*
1. cervic/o cervix, neck 2. colp/o vagina 3. hyster/o uterus, womb 4. gynec/o woman, female 5. lact/o milk 6. mamm/o breast 7. men/o menses, menstruation 8. oophor/o ovary

2 9. ovul/o egg 10. salping/o fallopian tubes 11. -gravida pregnant 12
9. ovul/o egg 10. salping/o fallopian tubes 11. -gravida pregnant 12. –arche beginning 13. –rrhea discharge 14. PID pelvic inflammatory disease 15. D & C dilation and curettage 16. IVF in vitro fertilization

3 17. FHR fetal heart rate 18. CS cesarean section 19. HPV human papillomavirus 20. LMP last menstrual period 21. OB obstetrics 22. PMS premenstrual syndrome 23. andr/o male 24. orch/o testicle

4 The End! 25. STD sexually transmitted disease
26. HSV Herpes Simplex Virus The End!

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