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Another Day in Paradise

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Presentation on theme: "Another Day in Paradise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Another Day in Paradise

2 To will to give to every man what is DUE to him!
Justice To will to give to every man what is DUE to him!

3 Social Justice & Solidarity– Supporting Others

4 Building a brighter future

5 Helping the less fortunate

6 These kids need our help!


8 Suffering shared is halved!
REMEMBER Joy shared is DOUBLED Suffering shared is halved!


10 Is a basic human right which every individual should be granted
EDUCATION Is a basic human right which every individual should be granted


12 This let us give our support to the Marist Solidarity group working in the Philippines, who are trying to build an education program for the Street kids!

13 Give to the poor. Matt 19:21

14 We will also continue our support

15 Project Compassion – 2015 building PEACE bringing HOPE!
A donation from one admin class of $100 could provide essential tools for an entire farming community in Uganda. A donation of $50 could enable a family in Bangladesh to establish their own agriculture project and break free from poverty.

16 Please give generously this LENT!
Give so that others may live! Project Compassion 2015 carries Jesus’ commitment for all for a life of abundance: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” Please give generously this LENT!

17 Reflection of Pope Francis
When reflecting on this verse, Pope Francis said: “Men and women of all times and all places desire a full and beautiful life... a life that is not threatened by death but that can mature and grow to its fullness.”

18 Help these guys keep their smiles!


20 Are they happy or what?

21 What we do for the least of our brothers, we do unto Christ

22 Let us learn from each other


24 It is in giving that we RECEIVE

25 Everyone has something to offer

26 Let us spread Good Will Let us keep all these intentions in our prayers throughout LENT 2015.

27 A picture tells a thousand words
Thank You!



30 Caritas Australia celebrated 50 years of service last year! May we stand in Solidarity again this year with Caritas.

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