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Formation of skilled users in E-banking

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1 Formation of skilled users in E-banking
Group – 5 Bikash Thapa, Bishwas Regmi, Nikita Shrestha, Niraj Shrestha, Surendra tiwari

2 Introduction E-banking is a service provided by a Bank or other financial institutions that allows its customers to conduct financial transaction/services through internet. E-banking has changed the traditional banking method.

3 Ways of e-banking Automated Teller Machines (ATM) Smart Cards
Point of Sales (PoS) Telephone Banking (Tele Banking) Internet Banking Mobile Banking (SMS Banking) Smart Cards

4 History NABIL was the first bank to start Credit Card in early 1990( JV). Himalayan Bank introduced Automated Teller machine (ATM) in and tele banking which Started from 1997. Kumari Bank first introduced SMS banking in 2002 and Internet banking was first introduced by Laxmi bank in 2004.

5 Total Number of BFIs in Nepal
Commercial Banks 28 Development Banks 33 Finance Companies 24 Micro Credits 57 Total

Class A Class B Class C Total *as of Push 2075

7 Policy Provision 1. Directives no. 20/075 : About Electronic Banking Services. Branchless Banking : Terms, Conditions, Minimum Requirements, Contract between Bank and Customers, Reporting 2. Directives no. 21/075 : Provision related to Protection of Financial Customer and Financial Literacy - Should give information about accounts, Fees, Procedure, Procedure on different kinds of electronic Cards………

8 3 Directives no. 5/075 : Limit on Electronic Transactions
Prepaid Card : 1 lakh (Nepal 25 Thousand-Day, 50 Thousand – Month) David Card: 25 Thousand- Per Transaction, 1 lakh-Day Mobile Banking : Per Transaction, 15 Thousand- Day, 50 Thousand- Month Internet Banking : 1 Lakh - Day, 10 Lakh- Month E- Wallet : Per Transaction, 15 Thousand- Day, 25 Thousand- Month

9 Number of mobile banking customer in Nepal
Year Class A Class B Class C Total 2075 509897 18488 2074 314926 17103 2073 174389 11331

10 Number of internet banking customer in nepal
Year Class A Class B Class C Total 2075 835293 17444 3958 856695 2074 825097 14638 2696 842431 2073 544008 18219 1901 564128

11 Internet users in Nepal

12 Who IS left OUT ? Out of total, 71.74% person people having bank accounts still don’t take e banking service. Out of total, 53.26% person using broadband internet don’t use e banking.

13 Challenges - skilled users in E-Banking
Infrastructure Perception Towards Banking Risk Management/Operability Linguistic/Literacy Factor Transaction Limitations

14 solutionS Digital Literacy ICT awareness Campaigns Financial Literacy
Policy Amendment Simple and easily usable UI Academic Syllabus reformation

15 outcomes Paperless Operation Cashless Transaction
Minimizing operation cost Time saving Quality in Service

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