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Pharmacy Driving Behaviors

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1 Pharmacy Driving Behaviors
Kristopher Miyakusu, Tiffany Katz & Joshua Brausey Preceptor: Gary Milavetz Discussion Introduction Exploratory survey of driving patterns in University of Iowa College of Pharmacy 15 questions relating to driving history, habits, and behaviors Objective To perform an exploratory survey of the driving behaviors of people associated with the field of pharmacy Have you ever driven under the influence of any of any of the following substances? Conclusion More research needs to be done in this area. Hopefully with a larger pool of participants with different backgrounds, we can identify trends and adapt driving education or target specific driving behaviors within this community with the goal of improving driving safety. Methods Create a questionnaire to gather data with regards to driving habits including the person’s driving background, driving education, driving citations, collisions, and distractions Circulate the survey utilizing Qualtrics and UICOP ing lists Sort and report behavior responses Age Of Participants

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