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Tuesday, January 10th 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, January 10th 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, January 10th 2017

2 What are we doing today? Bellwork: SILENTLY complete activity
Homework Checked: Essential Question Definitions Classwork: Grammar Quiz: Pronouns and Antecedents Grammar Lesson 18: Possessive Pronouns Essential Question Discussion Maniac Magee Pre-Reading Sheets Word Generation: High-School Dropouts Homework: Get Maniac Magee. We begin reading it this week! READ. Finish anything you didn’t complete in class. Maniac Magee Info: Dear Parents/Guardians, This year your student will need to be equipped with the proper reading materials for each unit. Our mentor text for the next 9 weeks unit will be Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. Your student can purchase this book from me (Mrs. Walker) during class until Tuesday, January 10th. You can send $7 in CASH ONLY. Thank you!

3 Bellwork The house was so quiet, but then I heard…
Finish this sentence and write more about it in the bellwork section of your binder. Make sure it is at least one paragraph (five sentences). The house was so quiet, but then I heard… After you finish writing, study for your grammar quiz! Make sure to put the date beside your response and keep all bellwork responses for the week on the same page. They will be due the first day of the following week. Be sure to stay organized and keep up!

4 Remove everything that is not a pencil from your desk.
Clear Your Desks Remove everything that is not a pencil from your desk.

5 Grammar Lesson 17: Pronouns and Antecedents
Try your best! You can do it! Once you are done, flip it over and read an AR book silently. Answers: D; they B; She A; them B; we D; They B; she C; us D; You A; me C; We

6 Grammar Lesson 18: Possessive pronouns
Listen as we read through what possessive pronouns are. With ONE partner, work through section A. I will come around to make sure you are completing it correctly. Answers: Their Its His Theirs Mine My; yours

7 Essential Question (cont.)
How do we decide who we are? Now that you have completed the packet, write down (on a separate sheet of paper that you will put behind the essential question packet) your answer to the essential question. Make sure to date this page and SAVE IT. DO NOT THROW AWAY. WE WILL USE THIS LATER IN THE 9-WEEKS! We will discuss all four pages as a group.

8 Maniac Magee By yourselves and silently, complete the Maniac Magee Pre-reading Activities. Once you have finished, sit quietly and read an AR book until all have finished. Once everyone is done, we will discuss it. Be sure to put the handouts I gave you yesterday in your Writing Response section.

9 Homework READ YOUR AR BOOKS!!!!!
Finish what you didn’t finish in class

10 Announcements 1/13: Last day to bring in care package items
1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)

11 1. PACK UP (and put your backpack in your seat) 2
1. PACK UP (and put your backpack in your seat) 2. CLEAN UP (check for assignments) 3. LINE UP (if everything is not clean and quiet, you will not be able to leave my room)

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