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Chapter XXII Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter XXII Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter XXII Vocabulary

2 adeptus having received, having obtained

3 amor love

4 aureus aurea aureum golden, made of gold

5 avide EAGERLY eagerly

6 caelum sky

7 decipio to deceive, trick

8 dirus, -a, -um dreadful, awful

9 dissentio to disagree

10 eligo to choose

11 exitium ruin, destruction

12 fundo to pour

13 hostis enemy

14 iacto to throw

15 incipio to begin

16 ingressus having entered

17 inicio to throw in

18 lacrima tear

19 minimus, -a, -um very little, least

20 molestus, -a, -um troublesome

21 moneo to warn, advise

22 parco parco mihi! to spare

23 precatus having prayed (to)

24 prudentia prudence, good sense

25 quantus HOW BIG how big

26 quo modo? HOW? how?

27 tardus, -a, -um late

28 tutus safe

29 verbum WORD word

30 virtus courage

31 vito to avoid

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