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111 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination 2013 Briefing on September Registration and Pre-examination Related Systems 13 and 18.

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Presentation on theme: "111 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination 2013 Briefing on September Registration and Pre-examination Related Systems 13 and 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 111 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination 2013 Briefing on September Registration and Pre-examination Related Systems 13 and 18 September 2012

2 2 Todays Rundown PART 1 Important Administrative Arrangements for September Registration Registration using WebSAMS Highlights of Major Enhancements of HKDSE Examination Registration System Examination Centre Management (ECM) System Q & A

3 Todays Rundown PART 2 (for 13 September only) Applications for Special Examination Arrangements (SEA) from Candidates with Special Needs taking 2013 and 2014 HKDSE Examinations Highlights of SEA Online Services Q & A

4 4 2013 HKDSE Examination September registration period From 19 Sep 2012 to 11 Oct 2012

5 5 September registration covers: Category A subjects Category B subjects Category C subjects - Other Languages for June 2013 Series

6 6 Registration for Category A subjects 1.24 New Senior Secondary subjects will be offered 2.Schools are required to fulfill the SBA requirements for 12 subjects with a SBA component 3.Candidates who repeat Secondary 6 in schools that do not offer the relevant elective subject(s) may apply for exemption from the SBA for the particular subject(s). Special approval must be sought from HKEAA on or before 19 September 2012.

7 7 Registration for Category A subjects (cont) 4.For practical subjects that require laboratory / workshop facilities, schools should have sought approval from HKEAA for participation 5. For subjects with options, a selection of paper / module / set / physical activities (for Physical Education) / musical instruments (for Music) is required

8 8 Registration for Category B subjects 1.35 Applied Learning (ApL) subjects approved by the Education Bureau 2.Assessement of ApL subjects are undertaken by course providers. HKEAA is responsible for monitoring the process and the moderation of final assessment results 3.Schools are required to register for ApL subjects for the candidates concerned in the Registration System within the registration period

9 9 Registration for Category B subjects 4. SEOs should pay attention to the name of ApL subjects as some of the course names are very similar 5.Year 2 ApL students who repeat S5 in schools may enter for ApL subjects only as school candidates, with the support of the school principal and the course provider NOTE: Registration of S5 repeaters for ApL subjects only cannot be done via the Registration System

10 10 Registration for Category B subjects (cont) 6.S6 repeaters may re-take the same ApL subject(s) as school candidates with the support of the course provider(s) provided that the Y2 ApL assessment results to be submitted to HKEAA for moderation should form at least 50% of the subject total For both (5) & (6), special approval from HKEAA must be sought prior to registration (i.e. on or before 19 Sep 2012)

11 11 September Registration for Category C subjects French language & Spanish language will be offered in the June 2013 Series The Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level question papers of the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) will be used Candidates may enter for the same Category C subject(s) only once in either Nov 2012 Series or June 2013 Series

12 12 Registration method Online Application Hardcopies of entry forms Subject fees Language subjects in Categories A and C - HK$567 per subject Non-language subjects in Categories A and B - HK$378 per subject

13 13 Payment Methods 7-Eleven in Hong Kong; or PPS; or Internet Banking Payment Deadline 5 pm on 19 Oct 2012 (Fri)

14 14 Late payment Payment made after 5 pm on 19 Oct but before 12 noon on 27 Oct 2012, entries will be accepted on payment of a supplementary fee of HK$226 per candidate in addition to the subject fees SEOs are advised to print the Outstanding Payment List to check the payment status of candidatesOutstanding Payment List

15 15 Examination fee remission 1. Candidates eligible for financial assistance from the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) may apply for examination fee remission 2. Depending on the eligibility level as assessed by the SFAA, applicants for examination fee remission with Full subsidy need not pay the examination fees while those with Half subsidy shall pay 50% of the fees during registration

16 16 Important Points to Note Before Registration Make sure all students entering for the 2013 HKDSE Examination are bona fide S6 students in the school year 2012/2013 Read carefully: -Instructions to Applicants -User Manual for the HKDSE Examination Registration System (available for download from 19 Sep 2012)

17 17 Registration via the HKDSE Registration System

18 18 Amendment of subject entries Change of subject entry information after the completion of registration are subject to the approval of the HKEAA and payment of supplementary fees. Allow addition or substitution of subjects on payment of a supplementary fee of HK$226 per application (irrespective of the number of subjects) Amendment period: From 19 Nov to 7 Dec 2012

19 19 Amendment of subject entries (cont) Substitution of a subject covers: - Replacement of a subject by another one - Change of language version - Replacement of a paper / module / set in a subject by another one within the same subject - Replacement of a physical activity by another one (for Physical Education) - Replacement of a musical instrument by another one (for Music) - Application for paper exemption for Music or vice versa

20 20 Amendment via the HKDSE Registration System

21 21 How to make amendments? (Cont) Important point to note: Candidates who would like to replace a musical instrument by another one (for Music examination) are required to apply at the HKEAA Wan Chai office. (The amendment cannot be completed by the SEO via the Registration System.) Read carefully: - User Manual for the HKDSE Examination Late Entry / Subject Amendment / (available for download from 19 Nov 2012)

22 22 Important Dates EventDate Registration for Categories A, B & C (June 2013 Series) subjects 19 Sep – 11 Oct 2012 Download from the Registration System: 1.Instructions to Applicants 2.User Manual for the HKDSE Examination Registration System 19 Sep 2012 onwards Payment deadlineBy 5 pm on 19 Oct 2012 Deadline for late payment (a supplementary fee is required) By 12:00 noon on 27 Oct 2012 Late Entry/Subject Amendment period (a supplementary fee is required) Download from the Registration System: 1.User Manual for the HKDSE Examination Late Entry/Subject Amendment Payment deadline 19 Nov to 7 Dec 2012 19 Nov 2012 onwards By 5 pm on 14 Dec 2012

23 23 End

24 24 Supplementary sheet BACK

25 25 BACK



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