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El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Repaso: Passive se Preview Passive se.

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Presentation on theme: "El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Repaso: Passive se Preview Passive se."— Presentation transcript:

1 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Repaso: Passive se Preview Passive se

2 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Passive se The passive voice with se is used to state that something is done or has been done without mentioning the agent, the person or thing causing the action. Se encontró la pintura robada. The stolen painting was found. Se vendieron muchos boletos. Many tickets were sold.

3 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Passive se In contrast, the active voice takes the agent(s) into consideration even though the agent is not always clearly identified. Encontraron los artefactos robados. (They) found the stolen artifacts. Vendieron muchos boletos. (They) sold many tickets.

4 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Passive se You can express the passive voice with se (se pasiva) with the pronoun se plus a verb in the third person singular or plural. The verb agrees in number with the recipient of the action. Se presenta un concierto gratuito en el parque este domingo. A free concert is being given at the park this Sunday. agrees

5 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Passive se You can express the passive voice with se (se pasiva) with the pronoun se plus a verb in the third person singular or plural. The verb agrees in number with the recipient of the action. Se ofrecen clases de baile en el Centro de Bellas Artes. Dance classes are offered at the Centro de Bellas Artes. agrees

6 El arte y la músicaGramática 1 Passive se Unlike se pasiva, se impersonal is always used with a verb in the third person singular. Like se pasiva, se impersonal constructions do not mention the agent. The agent is often translated as an anonymous one, you, or people. Se camina mucho en esta ciudad. One walks a lot in this city.

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