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VIPS Daily Transaction Reports Daily Cash Report – Detail RV903C Daily Fee Transaction Summary RV904C Daily Report for Returned Checks RV924C.

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Presentation on theme: "VIPS Daily Transaction Reports Daily Cash Report – Detail RV903C Daily Fee Transaction Summary RV904C Daily Report for Returned Checks RV924C."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIPS Daily Transaction Reports Daily Cash Report – Detail RV903C Daily Fee Transaction Summary RV904C Daily Report for Returned Checks RV924C

2 Printing County Functions Menu #9 All options for printing the following reports are found in this menu: Daily Cash Report-DetailRV903C Daily Fee Transaction SummaryRV904C Daily Report for Returned Checks RV924C

3 Printing (option 1) Daily Cash Detail & Summary #4 RV903C and RV904C are the only reports that will be printed using this menu option. This menu option can be printed as many times as long as end of day has not been processed.

4 Printing (option 1) Returned Check Report #17 RV924C is the only report that will be printed using this menu option. This menu option can be printed as many times as long as end of day has not been processed.

5 Printing (option 2) End of Day #9 Any reports covered in this material will be printed with this menu option and cannot be printed again. RV924C Daily Report for Returned Checks will NOT print if there were no returned checks processed that day.

6 Daily Cash Report – Detail RV903C

7 Changes Returned Checks (RCZZZZ) / Refunds Paid by County (RFCZZZ) / Registration Credit – –Calculated into detail of report: Total Fees Collected (reflecting negative amount) Less County Processing Total to State (reflecting negative amount) Sub-Total (reflecting negative amount) Grand-Total Final Total Summary – –Summary listing to reflect detail of report: (these amounts should be the same on the report) Total Fees Collected = Total Fees Collected Fees Retained by County = Less County Processing Total Fee to Remit to State = Total to State – –Refunds Paid by County Removed from calculation Listed below Total Fee to Remit to State for reference only – –Returned Checks Removed from calculation Listed on separate report (RV924C) for reference only – –Calculation of Summary – Total Fee to Remit to State Total Fees Collected – Fees Retained by County = Total Fee to Remit to State

8 Rows Transactions are listed alphabetically by Trans TypeTransactions are listed alphabetically by Trans Type Transactions are listed numerically after listed alphabeticallyTransactions are listed numerically after listed alphabetically All rows are grouped by Transaction Type and Vehicle TypeAll rows are grouped by Transaction Type and Vehicle Type Rows are then sub-totaled after each Trans Type/Vehicle TypeRows are then sub-totaled after each Trans Type/Vehicle Type Columns Transaction Type Transaction Type Transaction ID Transaction ID Title Title Title Penalty Title Penalty Registration Fees & Penalty Registration Fees & Penalty Qrtly Payments Qrtly Payments Mdrnztn Fee Mdrnztn Fee Replacement Plate Replacement Plate Reflect Plt/Dcl Reflect Plt/Dcl Lienholder Fee Lienholder Fee Other Other County Srvc Fee County Srvc Fee Total Fee Collected Total Fee Collected Less Cnty Process Less Cnty Process Total to State Total to State County Msclns Prprty/Sls Taxes County Msclns Prprty/Sls Taxes

9 Receipt Fees $23.00Registration Fees & Penalty + $5.00 County Service Fee $28.00Receipt Fee Reg/Pnlty/Srvc Receipt fees are summarized and compiled for multiple reasons:Receipt fees are summarized and compiled for multiple reasons: Disclosure to customers of amount collected Saves printing space for other itemized disclosures Receipt fees are separated on the report to identify:Receipt fees are separated on the report to identify: Amounts to be retained by county Amounts remitted to the state ** Please refer to for current state and county fees ** $24.95Prprty Tx / Pnlty + $27.83 Prv Pr Tx / Pnlty $52.78County Msclns Prprty / Sls Taxes

10 Calculation Total Fees Collected/Total To State Add first 10 columns on row = Total Fee CollectedAdd first 10 columns on row = Total Fee Collected 1) 1)Title Fees 2) 2)Title Penalties 3) 3)Registration Fees & Penalties 4) 4)Quarterly Payments 5) 5)Modernization Fee 6) 6)Replacement Plate 7) 7)Reflectorized Plate & Decal 8) 8)Lienholder Fee 9) 9)Other 10) 10)County Service Fee Subtract Less County Processing from Total Fees Collected = Total To StateSubtract Less County Processing from Total Fees Collected = Total To State County Misc. Column is used to track sales and property tax for each transactionCounty Misc. Column is used to track sales and property tax for each transaction **This is not included in the total fee breakdown at end of Detail Report** Lienholder fee is added into less county processingLienholder fee is added into less county processing Total Fees Collected ** All refunds paid by county and returned checks are now being calculated into the total fees collected and total to state amounts!! **

11 Calculation Sub-Totals by Trans Type/Grand-Total Sub-Total: Sub-Total: –Add all columns individually by Transaction Each transaction is grouped by Vehicle Type Each transaction is grouped by Vehicle Type –See example Below Grand Total: Grand Total: –All column sub-totals added together ** Calculate Refunds Paid by County & Returned Checks in Grand-Total **

12 Final Total Fee Summary Breakdown Total Fees CollectedTotal Fees Collected –Grand Total of all fees collected from each transaction –Includes Returned Checks and Refunds Paid by County Fees Retained by CountyFees Retained by County –Grand Total of all fees retained by the county Total Fee to Remit to StateTotal Fee to Remit to State –Grand Total to be remitted to the state Refunds Paid by CountyRefunds Paid by County –Grand Total of all refunds paid by the county –Listed for reference only DMV ModernizationDMV Modernization –Grand Total of DMV Modernization fees –Listed for reference only **Refunds Paid by County & DMV Modernization is listed for reference only**

13 Calculation Total Fee Remit to State Subtract the following from Total Fees CollectedSubtract the following from Total Fees Collected –Fees Retained by County Ending total will be the Total Fee to Remit to StateEnding total will be the Total Fee to Remit to State Counties with multiple offices will repeat steps for all offices separatelyCounties with multiple offices will repeat steps for all offices separately Refunds Paid by County & DMV Fee is listed for reference only and will be subtracted later in the reportsRefunds Paid by County & DMV Fee is listed for reference only and will be subtracted later in the reports **Refunds Paid by County & DMV Fee is listed for your reference only**

14 Daily Fee Transaction Summary RV904C

15 Changes Returned Checks (RCZZZZ) / Refunds Paid by County (RFCZZZ) / Registration Credit – –Calculated into detail of report: Total Fees Collected (reflecting negative amount) Less County Processing Total to State (reflecting negative amount) Sub-Total (reflecting negative amount) Grand-Total Final Total Summary – –Summary listing to reflect detail of report: (these amounts should be the same on the report) Total Fees Collected = Total Fees Collected Fees Retained by County = Less County Processing Total Fee to Remit to State = Total to State – –Refunds Paid by County Removed from calculation – –Returned Checks Removed from calculation Listed on separate report (RV924C) for reference only – –Registration Credit Removed from calculation – –Calculation of Summary – Total Fee to Remit to State Total Fees Collected – Fees Retained by County = Total Fee to Remit to State – –Registration Total Formerly known as Other Fee to Remit to State Changed for EFT Remittance – –Calculation of Summary – Registration Total Total Fee to Remit to State – Registration Verification – Title Fees – Special Repossession Fund – DMV Modernization = Registration Total

16 Rows All transactions are listed alphabetically by Trans TypeAll transactions are listed alphabetically by Trans Type All rows are grouped by Transaction Type and vehicle typeAll rows are grouped by Transaction Type and vehicle type Once grouped rows are then sub-totaled for all vehicle types by transaction typeOnce grouped rows are then sub-totaled for all vehicle types by transaction type Each transaction type listed also shows number of transactions done by vehicle typeEach transaction type listed also shows number of transactions done by vehicle type Columns Transaction Type Transaction Type Transaction Description Transaction Description Number of Transactions Number of Transactions Title Title Title Penalty Title Penalty Registration & Penalties Registration & Penalties Quarterly Payments Quarterly Payments Modernization Fee Modernization Fee Replacement Plate Replacement Plate Reflectorized Plate/Decal Reflectorized Plate/Decal Lienholder Fees Lienholder Fees Other Other County Service Fee County Service Fee Total Fees Collected Total Fees Collected Less County Processing Fees Less County Processing Fees Total To State Total To State

17 Calculation Total Fees Collected/Total To State Add first 10 columns on row = Total Fee CollectedAdd first 10 columns on row = Total Fee Collected 1) 1)Title 2) 2)Title Penalties 3) 3)Registration Fees & Penalties 4) 4)Quarterly Payments 5) 5)Modernization Fee 6) 6)Replacement Plate 7) 7)Reflectorized Plate & Decal 8) 8)Lien Fees 9) 9)Other 10) 10)County Service Fee Subtract Less County Processing from Total Fees Collected = Total To StateSubtract Less County Processing from Total Fees Collected = Total To State Lienholder fee is added into less county processingLienholder fee is added into less county processing Total Fees Collected ** All refunds paid by county and returned checks are now being calculated into the total fees collected and total to state amounts!! **

18 Calculation Sub-Totals by Trans Type/Grand-Total Sub-Total: Sub-Total: –Add all columns individually by Transaction Each transaction is grouped by Vehicle Type Each transaction is grouped by Vehicle Type –See example Below Grand Total: Grand Total: –All column sub-totals added together ** Calculate Refunds Paid by County & Returned Checks in Grand-Total **

19 Final Total Fee Summary Breakdown Total Fees CollectedTotal Fees Collected –Grand Total of all fees collected from each transaction Fees Retained by CountyFees Retained by County –Grand Total of all fees retained by the county Total Fee to Remit to StateTotal Fee to Remit to State –Grand Total of all fees remitted to state Registration Verification Registration Verification –Grand Total of all verifications Title Fees Title Fees –Grand Total of all title fees collected Special Repossession Fund Special Repossession Fund –Grand Total of all Repos done by county DMV Modernization DMV Modernization –Grand Total of DMV Mod. Fees collected by the county Registration Total Registration Total –Grand Total of all other fees remitted to state –This has changed from Other Fee to Remit to State to match EFT Transfer **These totals are from ALL offices** Refunds paid by County, Returned Checks, & Registration Credit no longer calculated in Final Total Breakdown ** NOTE ** Refunds paid by County, Returned Checks, & Registration Credit no longer calculated in Final Total Breakdown

20 Calculation Total Fee to Remit to State Subtract the following from Total Fees CollectedSubtract the following from Total Fees Collected –Fees Retained by County Ending total will be the Total Fee to Remit to StateEnding total will be the Total Fee to Remit to State Example:

21 Verification of Calculation: Calculation Registration Total **This is broken out for EFT Remittance Only** Subtract the following from Total Fees to Remit to StateSubtract the following from Total Fees to Remit to State –Registration Verification –Title Fees –Special Repossession Fund –DMV Modernization Ending total will be the Registration TotalEnding total will be the Registration Total

22 Daily Report for Returned Checks RV924C

23 Returned Check Report All Returned Checks will be listed on this report for referenceAll Returned Checks will be listed on this report for reference Each transaction is listed by Transaction ID #Each transaction is listed by Transaction ID # Owner Name and Plate Number is also listed on the report for quick referenceOwner Name and Plate Number is also listed on the report for quick reference Detail Listing Owner Name Owner Name –Lists all owners on record Plate Number Plate Number Sales Tax Sales Tax T & R Total T & R Total –All fees excluding County Service Fee County Service Total County Service Total Property Tax Total Property Tax Total Check Total Check Total –Total Amount of Check only

24 Returned Checks – Calculation Registration/Penalty/Service$30.00 Reflectorized Plate$0.50 DMV Modernization$4.00 Lienholders Fee$1.50 T&R Total$36.00 Registration/Penalty/Service$5.00 County Service Total$5.00 Property Tax/Penalty$37.88 Property Tax Total$37.88 Sales Tax$0.00 T&R Total$36.00 County Service Total$5.00 Property Tax Total$37.88 =Check Total/Receipt Total:$78.88

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