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World history, Chapters 14-15

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1 World history, Chapters 14-15
Vocab Basketball!!! World history, Chapters 14-15

2 Explorer A person who investigates unknown regions: the great explorers of the Renaissance.

3 Navigate to move on, over, or through (water, air, or  land) in a ship or aircraft: to navigate a river. Magellan- (First to circumnavigate the world)

4 Cartography (hint=maps)
Map makers Early Portugal explorers specialized in this

5 Plantation A usually large farm or estate, especially in a tropical or semitropical country, on which cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugar cane, or the like is cultivated, usually by resident laborers.

6 Missionary Church members who teach and convert others to a religion.

7 Outposts Distant areas (land) under the control of a nation. Can be military or merchant. Set up by early explorers from Portugal and Spain.

8 Immunity No resistance to foreign diseases.
Thousands of Native Americans died due to having no immunity from new European diseases.

9 Barter To trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money.

10 Colony/Colonization A group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.

11 Indentured Servant A person who came to America and was placed under contract to work for another over a period of time, usually seven years, especially during the 17th to 19th centuries.

12 Slave a person who is the property of to another person; a bonded servant. Slave till death or release

13 Mercantilism (Hint=money)
A theory prevalent in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries asserting that the wealth of a nation depends on its possession of precious metals and therefore that the government of a nation must maximize the foreign trade surplus, and foster national commercial interests by the establishment of colonies, etc.

14 Cash Crop A crop for direct sale in a market, as distinguished from a crop for use as livestock feed or for other purposes.

15 Tariffs Taxes on imported goods.
Difference between Imported/Exported goods?

16 Balance of Trade Relationship between a countries exports and imports.

17 Enlightenment An 18th-century philosophical movement stressing the importance of reason and the critical reappraisal of existing ideas and social institutions.

18 Social Contract An agreement for mutual benefit between an individual or group and the government or community as a whole. The theory states that if a government (or ruler) did not protect citizens and their rights, then the people were justified in overthrowing the government.

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