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Research Sample Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Research Sample Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Sample Groups

2 sample A small part of a larger population/number of people

3 Types of Samples Representative – a sample that has the same mix of people that the actual population has Nonrepresentative – a sample that has too many of one type of person in it and does not match the make-up of the real population

4 Warning! Avoid nonrepresentative samples!!!!!!
Nonrepresentative samples will mess up your results!

5 Types of Samples Random sample Stratified sample

6 Random Sample Each person has an equal chance of being in the sample
Randomly drawing/picking names of people to be in the sample

7 Stratified Sample Each type of person is represented in the sample in the same percent that they are in the total population Purposely picking people so the sample has the same make-up as the whole population

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