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February 28 – PoV and Ch 1 Take out: Pen Pencil Your Homework

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Presentation on theme: "February 28 – PoV and Ch 1 Take out: Pen Pencil Your Homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 28 – PoV and Ch 1 Take out: Pen Pencil Your Homework
The Great Gatsby HW: Read Chapter 1 (5-26) Complete Chapter 1 Reading Questions In Class Today: Quick-Write Nick’s View of Gatsby Looking at Point of View Map of The Great Gatsby Reading and Reading Questions Goals: Understand different narrator perspectives Gain understanding of Nick’s perspective and personality

2 Quick-write Does the narrator of the story seem like they’re the kind of person who you might get along with? Why/Why not? Use at least one piece of specific evidence from the text to justify your answer.

3 The Last Paragraph Summarize (in your own words) Nick’s mixed attitude toward Gatsby. What is the main characteristic that Nick admires in Gatsby? How do you know?

4 Point of View: PoV is – the specific position or vantage point from which the author tells the story Stories can be told from either 1st Person (I, we) or 3rd Person (he, she, it, they) point of view Stories are RARELY told from the 2nd Person (you) point of view

5 Examples:

6 PoV – Group Activity With your partner, convert each of the following situations into both first person point of view, and third person point or view Write a 2 sentence story for each (1st person PoV, and 3rd person PoV)

7 PoV What is the impact of using different points of view to tell a story? Which seems to be more effective/emotional?

8 Eggs??? Setting in The Great Gatsby
The characters in the novel live on Long Island, which is a short distance from Manhattan (New York) The Narrator refers to the places they live as East Egg and West Egg – Manhasset Neck and Great Neck Turn to page 206 in your book to see a map of the locations in the novel

9 Reading and Questions Read Chapter 1 (page 5-26)
Complete the nine reading questions for chapter 1 Reading questions should be answered in complete sentences, using at least one CD from the text for support

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