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Albany Movement Civil Rights Act of 1964 Lester Maddox

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1 Albany Movement Civil Rights Act of 1964 Lester Maddox
Ardent support of ___________________ He saw the civil rights movement was going to ruin his business, so when the civil rights act is passed, Maddox ___________________ his restaurant instead of integrating Ran for __________________________ As governor, he surprised people by appointed _________________________ to office Still did not welcome ________________ Refused to lower the state flag after _________ was assassinated After his term was up, he ran as ______________________________ when _____________________________ was governor. The two had many ________________. Begins in the middle of ___________ Unique because the activists decided they were going to try to _________________ everything at once Led by _________, they had public marches to protest segregation Invited Dr. ____________ to join because of his visibility Long term goal: ____________________ Short Term: confrontations with ___________________________________ to show the aggression Police had studied their tactics, and they tried to be dignified and respectful in front of _______________, so there lacked _______________. Ultimately, much of Albany was ________________________. Many insiders and historians feel the Albany Movement was a _________________. The Jim Crow rules changed ______________________, after MLK moved on. Local citizens considered the movement a __________________ ___________________: President who wanted to pass and eventually did pass the Civil Right Act of 1964 ____________________________________: group of politicians that held up the civil rights bill in Congress and refused to pass it. _______ Republicans would have to cross the aisle and support the bill. How LBJ influenced Republicans to change their minds: On June 19th, after the longest filibuster in the country’s history, only _____ Republicans voted no. Changes made with the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

2 https://www. youtube. com/watch. v=sHNR5GRKCqg ; https://www
; b d e4f71b32cb8/the-albany- movement/ ; soc-64ntpassage/1964-passage-of-the-civil- rights-act/ ; soc-64ntcivilact/1964-the-importance-of-the- civil-rights-act/

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