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Presentation on theme: "NEUTRINO INTERACTION WITH NUCLEI"— Presentation transcript:

S.V. Semenov National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute“ II International Workshop “SN 1987A, Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy" BNO and SAO

2 Neutral current interaction Astrophysical applications:
Charged current interaction Neutral current interaction Astrophysical applications: R – processes during nucleosynthesis Synthesis of number of elements ,11В, 19F during SN explosion Detection of SN neutrino

3 ne interactions in LSD detector
ne + 12C 12Ngs + e CC ne + 12C  12N* + e CC ne + 12C  12C*(15.1 MeV) + ne’ NC ne + 56Fe  56Co* + e CC ne + 56Fe  56Fe* + ne’ NC

4 V.S. Imshennik and O.G. Ryazhskaya, Astron. Lett. V.30, P.14 (2004)
Reliable calculations of cross sections are of great significance

5 The problem of nuclear matrix elements calculation
Experimental data are necessary for the test of NME calculation methods Till now two experiments have been performed, where direct measurements of neutrino-nuclei reaction cross section had been carried out.

6 KARMEN μ DAR B. Zenitz, Progr. Part. Nucl. Phys. , V. 32, P
KARMEN μ DAR B. Zenitz, Progr. Part. Nucl. Phys., V.32, P.351 (1994); Phys. Lett. B, v. 267, p. 321 (1991); v. 423, p.15 (1998) LSND μ DAR and DIF D.A. Krakauer et al, Phys. Rev. C v.45, p (1992) LSND Collab., Nucl. Phys. A, v. 629, p. 531c (1998) Experiments have been accomplished with 12C и 56Fe

7 +, + DAR, Decay At Rest: + + + , =26 нс, МэВ =2.2мкс,

8 Spectra of and neutrino, + DAR

9 Interaction of ne, with 12C
KARMEN Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 267, 321 (1991) First observation of the neutral current nuclear excitation 12C(,’) 12C(1+,1;15.1 MeV) KARMEN Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 332, 251 (1994)

10 Interaction of n с 12C KARMEN Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 423, 15 (1998) Measurement of the weak neutral current excitation NC=(3.20.5)· см2

11 Interaction of ne with 56Fe
R. MASCHUW for the KARMEN Collaboration, Progr. Part. Nucl. Phys., 40, 183 (1998) Neutrino Spectroscopy with KARMEN СС ne + 56Fe  56Co* + e- <(56Fe(e,e-)56Co)>=[2.51 0.83(stat)0.42(syst)]·10-42 cм2 NC ne + 56Fe  56Fe* + ne’ <(56Fe(e,e’)56Fe*)>=?

12  Charged channel Neutral channel
Yu.V. Gaponov, O.G. Ryazhsksya, S.V. Semenov, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 67,1969 (2004) Neutral channel O.G. Ryazhskaya, S.V. Semenov, Int. Workshop, “Quark Phase Transitions in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy”, SAO and BNO, 2015, p.105

13 Charged channel Neutral channel

14 Interaction cross section
Charged channel Excitation of analog 0+ (АR ) и Gamov-Teller 1+ (GТR) gigantic resonances in 56Со

15 gA=1.27 - Energy difference between initial and final nuclear states For the from ground state transitions

16 Determination of from the experimental data on the strength distribution of the dipole M1 transitions in 56Fe nucleus


18 Ex, кэВ J=1+ , мэВ B(M1) T.Shizuma, T. Hayakawa, H. Ohgaki et al,
Dipole strength distribution in 56Fe Phys. Rev. C, 87, (2013) Ex, кэВ J=1+ , мэВ B(M1) 3448.6 7166 7211.1 7249.4 7467.6 7887.6 8119.6 8652.5 8879.3 8908.9 8963.6 8988.9 9107.8 9312.2 9402.0 9434.9 9554.8 9622.9 9664.7 9768.2 78 175 614 219 260 396 391 403 402 647 454 639 838 869 1305 313 680 473 429 336 0.49 0.124 0.425 0.149 0.162 0.210 0.190, 0.24, 0.164 0.229 0.288 0.280 0.408 0.097 0.203 0.138 0.123 0.094

19 T. Shizuma, T. Hayakawa, H. Ohgaki et al, Fine structure of the magnetic-dipole-strength distribution in 208Pb Phys. Rev. C 78, (R) (2008) Ex, кэВ J=1+ , мэВ B(M1) 7178.1 7209.5 7246.4 7280.6 7299.8 7322.3 7346.8 1500 1400 2200 3200 2800 1000 2500 510 2 0.97 1.5 2.2 1.9 0.68 1.6 0.38

20 Kohler R., Wartena J.A., Weigmann H. et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 1987. V. 35. P. 1646.
By the examination of resonance structure of 207Pb + n system the total magnetic dipole strength in the energy domain beyond the neutron separation energy up to 8.7 MeV have been determined, which equals


22 + DAR neutrino spectrum
12C KARMEN experiment 56Fe 208Pb S.V. Semenov, Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Vol. 81, p. 810

23 Conclusion Cross section of neutrino-nuclei neutral current interaction comprises a noticeable part of total cross section. It is necessary totake into account these processes by the consideration of primary nucleosynthesis and for the theory of neutrino detectors development. The investigation of nuclear resonance fluorescence gives the possibility to determine nuclear matrix elements, necessary for cross section calculations. The use of neutron rich nuclei is an essential element of effective neutrino detectors construction

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