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SAT List #14 5 on front, 5 on back (in blue).

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1 SAT List #14 5 on front, 5 on back (in blue).
indecorous indenture inebriation inimical inscrutable improvident inauspicious incipient inclusive incongruous

2 Guess the: P.O.S. & definition
Get a Clue (Context) Guess the: P.O.S. & definition The boy’s improvident decision to steal the car and take it for a joy ride landed him in jail. (adj) rash; reckless The dark and dreary storm was an inauspicious sign of what was to come. (adj) unfavorable; unlucky Sneezing and a runny nose are symptoms of an incipient cold. (adj) developing; in beginning stages

3 Do you like rain? The police conducted an inclusive search of the murder scene for the murder weapon. (adj) all-encompassing; comprehensive 5. We caught him in his own lie because his excuse was incongruous to what he said earlier. (adj) inconsistent; unsuitable; contradictory The boorish man was hated for his indecorous manners. (adj) inappropriate; indelicate; unseemly

4 Rain, rain, go away... 7. The indentured servant was practically a slave. (n) Contract binding a person to work for another The man’s inebriation was obvious; he was precariously walking & garbling his words. (n) drunkenness; intoxication 9. The inimical air was causing everyone to become ill. (adj) hurtful; harmful; adverse (also unfriendly)

5 Men think women are inscrutable beings.
10. The message on the ancient chest was inscrutable. (adj) mysterious; perplexing

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