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Pros of Fracking Access to natural gas or oil Natural gas in “cleaner”

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2 Pros of Fracking Access to natural gas or oil Natural gas in “cleaner”
Previously unavailable Natural gas in “cleaner” Less pollutants Sox—less acid rain Nox –less acid rain, less photochemical smog Less CO2 Less hg (mercury) Less harmful mining Surface and subsurface mining Creates job Pays people to drill on their land People are financially compensated by gas company Less dependency on foreign imports

3 Cons of fracking Groundwater contamination Uses a lot of water
Fracking liquid contaminate drinking water Liquid waste can leach into aquifers Allow for methane to leak into drinking water Leaks from well castings can contaminate with fracturing fluid or waste water Uses a lot of water Over use of water in aquifers, depleting water in aquifers Competes with agriculture use of water Competes with residential use of water-drinking water

4 Cons of fracking Earthquakes from drilling
Habitat fragmentation from building roads to drilling sites Methane released during the drilling process Greenhouse gas Noise pollution from trucks or drilling equipment Increase of particulate matter (pm) from drilling-respiratory issues Consuming fossil fuels for trucks and equipment Combustion of fossil fuels Increase CO2 (greenhouse gas) Increase SOX-acid rain Increase NOX-acid rain/photochemical smog

5 Nuclear power Uses Uranium 235 Generate electricity Fission
Process creates heat Heats up water Steam Turns turbine Turns generator Generates electricity Read


7 Nuclear power

8 advantages of nuclear Less air pollution Alternative to fossil fuels
No CO2 is emitted When plant is operating DOES NOT take into account fossil fuels used in building the plant Alternative to fossil fuels High energy density Large supply

9 Nuclear energy-environmental impacts
Spent nuclear waste (fuel): a storage facility does not exist for high-level waste; waste has to be stored for 10 half-lives in order to be considered safe. Thermal pollution from cooling operations (impacting surface waters). Nuclear accidents/plant failures: release of radioactive substances, resulting in contamination of soil, water, air, and living organisms. Results of mining uranium: Habitat degradation. Radioactive mine tailings. Large amounts of water are used. CO2 is released during the transportation and enrichment process (from fossil fuels). Uranium is a nonrenewable resource. Limited life span: plants have to be decommissioned. Runoff into surface waters during construction. Waste produced during the enrichment process. Nuclear energy production is less efficient than a coal-burning power plant; most uranium ends up as waste.

10 Nuclear power-environmental consequences
Cancer/tumors in animals Radioactive contamination of plants or animals in food webs Impacts on plant or animal population size Genetic mutations Death of plants or animals Impacts on biodiversity

11 Nuclear waste Spent fuel rods Curie=unit of measure for radiation
Must be stored for 10 or more half lives No longer considered a threat to humans Uranium 235 has a half life of 704 million years Stored under water onsite 20 feet Curie=unit of measure for radiation

12 Half-lives You have 180 g of a radioactive substance, it has a half live of 265 years. After 1325 years what mass remains? 1. figure out # of half lives 1325/265 =5 half lives 180g x ½ =90g 90g x ½=45g 45g x ½ =22.5g 22.5g x ½ =11.25 g 11.25 g x ½ =5.625 g

13 Nuclear power plant accidents
Three Mile Island, Middletown, PA Chernobyl, Ukraine Fukushima Daiichi, Japan

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