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Meet the Teacher Tuesday 28th August

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1 Meet the Teacher Tuesday 28th August
Miss Mackenzie Primary 3

2 Weekly Timetable 9:00 – 9:45am 9:45– 10:30am 10:30-10:45am
11:30am- 12:15pm 12:15- 1pm 1pm – 2pm 2pm – 3pm Monday Literacy (Talking and Listening) (Phonics and Spelling) B (Grammar) Numeracy L Health and Wellbeing P.E Tuesday (Reading and Comprehension) “ “ R U IDL (Social Studies/ ICT) R.M.E Wednesday (Writing) E N Expressive Arts Thursday French Handwriting A Maths (Problem Solving) C STEM Social Studies Friday (Spelling) K (Practical Maths) H Song Practice/ Assembly

3 As an NQT, I will be teaching the class 80% of the week.
P.E will be taken by Miss Parker on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at the end of the day. On Thursday, the children will be taught by Mrs Vassie, who will take the children for French, Handwriting, STEM (Science and Technology) and Problem Solving

4 A typical day in Primary 3
A warm up ‘quick start’ activity will be presented to the children. Activities will reinforce learning currently taking place in the classroom and allow for group discussion. The purpose of the quick start morning activities will allow for the children to generate thoughts regarding the lesson ahead and for general administration to take place without disrupting new learning. Until playtime, literacy (reading, writing (including grammar), talking and listening) will normally take place. Numeracy and Mathematics lessons will take place between playtime and lunchtime. Afternoons will be composed of social studies, Expressive Arts and STEM based learning.

5 Literacy All aspects of literacy in accordance with the national curriculum, will be covered throughout the week . (Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening) Lesson Structure Warm up Introduction/ Re-cap Teaching/ Groups T: Teacher time W: Written task Pr: Collaborative task I: Independent task/choice tray/ Extension Tasks will be differentiated in accordance to the needs and learning styles of the child. Plenary – Round up of lesson

6 Literacy Activities Reading (Book Buddy Paired Reading, Independent, Reciprocal group reading) Library Area Comprehension tasks and activities relating to reading books – sequencing/ story boards, answering and creating questions, features of genres/text. Grammar tasks and activities – linking to reading and writing focuses Sick sentences –fixing punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors Spelling and Phonics activities – Cards, Word Building using various Materials. Language games – Group Choice Trays

7 Numeracy and Mathematics
All four areas will be covered throughout the year as highlighted by a Curriculum For Excellence. Number, Money & Measure Shape, Position & Movement Information Handling Problem Solving Structure of Maths Lessson Mental Maths Warm up / Recall of Facts Groups (differentiated tasks in accordance to learning styles and needs) Teaching time Written task Active/Group Task/ICT Choice (From Challenge Trays/ Maths Station) Plenary – Sharing learning & Assessing children’s learning ( orally/ written)

8 IDL (Inter-disciplinary learning)
Children will focus on a topic each term. Will be the basis for learning in social studies. A selection of experiences and outcomes will be covered from each of the three areas. People, Past Events and Societies People, Place and Environment People in society, economy and business Cross- Curricular approach, will be the context for many expressive arts, technologies, literacy (writing) and some numeracy lessons. Greater Personalisation and Choice Children encouraged to lead their learning Responsive planning Cooperative Learning –social and academic skills Our topic this term will be ‘Our Community’ – a broad range of outcomes covered.

9 Health and Wellbeing Will be embedded within all curricular areas as far as possible. Physical Education will be taken by Miss Parker PATHS (promoting alternative thinking strategies) – main resource, a series of lessons developed to encourage children to think about their actions before they take place. Growth Mindset (A current education priority – will be heavily embedded throughout) SHRE Road Safety/ Internet awareness/ Talks from outside agencies

10 STEM Governmental focus to boost STEM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in Scotland's schools. A strong practical focus in relation to the needs and experiences of the child covering: Living things Earth and Space Energy and Forces Science Benchmarks will be taught will have IDL links where possible.

11 Homework Homework will complement and reinforce learning currently taking place in classroom. Mathematics and Spelling will be issued on Monday. In total, both activities should not total anymore than 20 minutes per evening. Group reading books will be issued on Tuesday. A set amount of pages will be given to be read each night for the following Tuesday.

12 School Priorities Raising attainment in Literacy and Numeracy
Especially in writing. School will be rolling out ‘Talk for Writing’ Programme. Encouraging more children to discuss their ideas with partners. Allowing more children to vocalise and generate ideas. AIFL-Embedding Assessment is for Learning strategies will be a major focus over the next few years. Some Features of AIFL: - will be varied to accommodate a range of learning needs. Improved questioning Clear Learning intentions and children involved in setting success criteria Children identifying own targets Traffic Lights 2 Stars & a wish Green for Growth/ Tickled Pink Peer marking/ Self Assessment Teacher Comments

13 Rights Respecting Schools
Baljaffray recently achieved Level 1 UNICEF certification As a Rights Respecting School we reinforce our expectations of effort and behaviour through the establishment of our Class Charter. This term the UNCRC Articles we voted for: Article 2 – You have the right not to be treated unfairly under any circumstance. Article 14 – To be able to share our thoughts and ideas without judgement Article 28 – You have the right to a good education

14 Our classroom rules Treat everyone (including their property like you would want to be treated. Include everyone if they wish to be included. Listen when others are speaking Respect what people have to say Give our best effort in everything we do

15 Promoting Positive Behaviour Based on being respectful to one another
Rights Respecting Class Charter, children will be reminded of the rights we have and the ethos we have created for our classroom. Star Tokens Children to make decision of why they are being praised School wide house points - Creates a sense of pride, roles and a healthy competitive spirit.

16 Useful websites Literacy Letters and Scottish Book Trust/ Kids Book Lists Bug Club active primary Maths Topmarks – addition and subtraction – Grade 2

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