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3.3 Day 1 - Interior Angles of Polygons

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1 3.3 Day 1 - Interior Angles of Polygons
Essential Question: How can you find the interior angle measures of a polygon?

2 Vocabulary Polygon: A closed figure with straight sides and doesn’t have lines cross through it. Thumbs: Polygons (up) or Not Polygons (down) Yes: polygon Yes: polygon No: not straight sides No: not straight sides No: sides cross

3 triangle 3 quadrilateral 4 pentagon 5 hexagon 6 heptagon 7 octagon 8
Sides (n) Polygon 3 triangle 4 quadrilateral More than 10 sides: n-gon (n is # of sides) 5 pentagon hexagon 7 heptagon 8 octagon 9 nonagon decagon

4 a line segment which connects two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon
diagonal: a line segment which connects two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon Diagonal

5 Divide each polygon into triangles
There are 4 triangles.

6 Activity #1 a – f after completing front side, turn over and complete entire back side


8 What expression represents the sum of the interior angle measures of a polygon?
Interior angle measures of a 12-gon?

9 Vocabulary

10 Find the sum of the interior angle measures of a figure with 22 sides
Example 1 Your Turn – use what you learned: Find the sum of the interior angle measures of a figure with 22 sides

11 Find the interior angle measures of this polygon
Example 2

12 Your Turn: Find x

13 Vocabulary Regular Polygon: A polygon where all sides are congruent and all interior angles are congruent. Thumbs: Regular Polygon (Up) or Not Regular (down) ( ( Not a regular polygon Not a regular polygon Regular polygon Not a regular polygon

14 Example 3

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