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What is it that you want? Just pick and choose

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Presentation on theme: "What is it that you want? Just pick and choose"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it that you want? Just pick and choose

2 What do you want? press on what you want. Security from all
fear and terror? Riches and Wealth? Recite the Koran 10 times? keep away Being poor from Yourself and neighbours? Recite 1000 verse a day? You buy yourself from Allah? A treasure beneath the throne? Get up for dawn prayer? To recover and get better from every sickness?

3 Chapter 36: Ya-Seen The prophet (PPBU) said: “Every thing has a heart, and the heart of the Koran is the Chapter ‘Ya-Seen’. This whoever reads Ya-Seen will count with Allah as ten readings of the Koran.” Return

4 Chapter 56: Al-Waqiaa The Major Event
The Messenger (PPBU) said: “Whoever reads the ‘Al-Waqiaa’ Chapter every night, will never be struck with poverty” Return

5 It is a security from every harm.
Chapter 106: Quraish Whoever wanted to travel and feared an enemy or a beast then let them read the ‘Quraish’ Chapter. It is a security from every harm. Return

6 Chapter 112: Al-Ikhlas The Sincerity
The prophet (PPBU) said: “Whoever keeps reciting the “Sincerity” Chapter until they enter their home; then they expel off poverty from the people and the neighbours of that home” Return

7 Chapter 112: Al-Ikhlas The Sincerity
The prophet (PPBU) said: “Whoever recites the “Sincerity” Chapter one thousand times then he/she would buy themselves from Allah (may He be exulted)” Return

8 Chapter 102: At-Takathor Boasting with the more
The Prophet (PPBU) said: “Couldn’t one of you read one thousand verses each day?” They said: And who could do that? He said: “Or could one of you read the ‘At-Takathor’ Chapter?” Return

9 Chapter 1: Al-Fatiha The Opening
The messenger (PPBU) said: “There is a cure from all ailment in ‘The Opening’ Chapter” Return

10 The last few verses of Chapter 18: Al-Kahf The Cave
The Prophet (PPBU) said: “Whoever reads the last five verses when about to sleep, Allah will resurrect them any part of the night they wished” (the intended chapter is Al-Kahf) Return

11 The last few verses of Chapter 2: Al-Baqara The Cow
The prophet (PPBU): “Allah Has sealed the ‘Cow’ Chapter with two verses which He gave me from His treasure beneath His throne. Do learn them and teach them to your women and children, for they are a prayer, a recitation and a supplication” Return

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