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EET 2261 Unit 6 The Stack; Subroutines

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1 EET 2261 Unit 6 The Stack; Subroutines
Read Almy, Chapter 11. Homework #6 and Lab #6 due next week. Quiz next week (covers Units 5 and 6). -Handouts: Unit 6 practice sheet. -Take Quiz #6.

2 The Stack The stack is a section of RAM used for temporary storage.
It’s useful in the following sort of situation: you have a value in a register that you know you’ll need later, but you need to use the register for something else right now, so you want to store the current value away somewhere for safekeeping until you need it. You could use store and load instructions to do this, but the stack may be more convenient.

3 The Stack The HCS12’s stack is an example of a LIFO (last-in-first-out) stack. The last value you put in is the first one you’ll take out, as in a plate dispenser at a salad bar. An alternative design is a FIFO (first-in-first-out) stack.

4 The Stack Pointer The programmer gets to decide where in RAM the stack is located. She does this by setting the value in the stack pointer register (SP). This value is treated as the address of the “top” of the stack. Usually the address used is the highest RAM address, plus one. For us, that address is $ (See next slide.) So in many programs, one of the first instructions will be LDS #$4000. Ask them what instruction(s) you could use to load a value into the SP.

5 Review: HCS12 Memory Map See page 26 of Device User Guide.

6 Pushing and Pulling We use the word “push” for putting values onto the stack, and the word “pull” for retrieving values from the stack. As we push or pull, the stack pointer (SP) is automatically updated to reflect the fact that the top of the stack has moved: Each push decrements SP by 1 or 2. Each pull increments SP by 1 or 2. See next slide for push and pull instructions.

7 Push Instructions and Pull Instructions
(Table from p. 82 of the HCS12 CPU Reference Manual.) Do as Practice Question 1. Question: Which of the CPU’s registers do not have associated push or pull instructions?

8 Details: PSHA and PULA From the description of PSHA, we see that it does two things, in this order: It decrements the stack pointer by 1. It stores the contents of Accumulator A at the memory location pointed to by the stack pointer. Do Practice Question 2. (Solution on next slide.) From the description of PULA, we see that it does two things, in this order: It loads Accumulator A from the memory location pointed to by the stack pointer. It increments the stack pointer by 1.

9 Using the Stack: Example
Predict contents after each instruction executes: Instruction A B SP Mem $3FFD Mem. $3FFE Mem. $3FFF LDS #$4000 $4000 LDAA #$12 $12 PSHA $3FFF DECA $11 LDAB #$34 $34 PSHD $3FFD LDD #$00 PULD PULA After examining it, single-step it (Week06Stack.asm). Note that in the simulator, unused stack entries revert to uu after a PULL. (In hardware, using the Dragon12 board, the contents of these entries are unpredictable.)

10 Other Uses of the Stack As seen above, the programmer can use the stack by issuing push or pull instructions. Also, under certain conditions the HCS12 automatically pushes data onto the stack or pulls data off the stack. No push or pull instructions are needed in these cases. Examples: The two most common conditions of this sort are subroutines (which we’ll study in a few slides) and interrupts (which we’ll study in a few weeks).

11 Initializing the Stack Pointer
Since the HCS12 automatically uses the stack under certain conditions, it’s a good idea to initialize the stack pointer (with an LDS instruction) at the beginning of every program, even if you don’t plan to use any push or pull instructions. Otherwise, the stack could be located anywhere in memory, possibly in an area of memory that overlaps with your program’s code or data.

12 Avoiding Conflicts with the Stack
Be sure to locate the top of the stack far away from the location of your code and data. Otherwise your code and data may be wiped out by stack operations. If we always start our programs at $2000 and locate the top of the stack at $4000, that leaves plenty of room between our code and the stack. Question: How many bytes (and kilobytes) are there between addresses $2000 and $4000? Do as Practice Question 3. Demo a stack conflict by changing LDS #$4000 in previous program to LDS #$2010, and single-step it again, watching what happens to our code in the Memory window and Assembly window; the PULA and PULD instructions will be wiped out and replaced with something else.

13 Subroutines A subroutine is a small program that performs some well-defined task within a bigger program. Why use subroutines? Two main reasons: Long, complicated programs are easier to understand and maintain if you break the program up into separate pieces that you write and test independently. If you have some code that must be executed at different places within your program, make it a subroutine. This saves you from having many copies of the same code scattered throughout your program. Example: code for a 1-second delay.

14 Calling a Subroutine The first instruction in a subroutine has a label, which serves as that subroutine’s name. You call a subroutine using either of these instructions: Branch to Subroutine (BSR), which uses relative addressing mode. Jump to Subroutine (JSR), which uses direct, extended, or indexed addressing mode.

15 Returning from a Subroutine
A subroutine must end with the RTS (Return from Subroutine) instruction, which causes execution of the calling program to resume. BSR is similar to BRA, except that it also causes the processor to “remember” where to resume when it hits a RTS. Main Program Subroutine BSR Subby ADDA $1000 Subby: LDAB #05 RTS

16 Overall Program Structure
Many programs have a general structure that contains three major parts: Initialization code that executes once when the program starts. The program’s main body, which typically is a “forever” loop that starts with a label and ends with a BRA to that label. The main body will often contain one or more BSR instructions that call subroutines. Subroutines, each of which begins with a label and ends with an RTS.

17 Overall Program Structure: Example
ABSENTRY Entry ORG $2000 Entry: CLI LDS #$4000 MainLoop: BSR Sub1 BSR Sub2 BRA MainLoop Sub1: INCA RTS Sub2: INCB END Initialization Main body (“forever” loop) This is a silly example for illustration purposes only—you wouldn’t use subroutines for such simple code. Single-step using F11 (week06Subroutine.asm). Subroutines

18 Troubleshooting Programs with Subroutines
Single Step (F11). Steps one instruction at a time. Step Over (F10). For most instructions it’s the same as Single Step, but for BSR it executes the entire subroutine as one step. Demo Step Over using previous program.

19 Subroutines and the Stack
How does the HCS12 remember where in the main program to resume when it hits a RTS? As part of executing the BSR instruction, it pushes the Program Counter (which contains the address of the next instruction) onto the stack. When it executes the RTS, it pulls this address back from the stack into the Program Counter. This lets it pick up where it left off in the main program.

20 No Need For You To Push or Pull
Recall from earlier that the HCS12 has several push and pull instructions (such as PSHA and PULA) that let you place values on the stack or remove them from the stack. You don’t need to use these instructions when you branch to a subroutine. The HCS12 pushes and pulls the desired values automatically.

21 Jump and Subroutine Instructions
(Table from p. 79 of the HCS12 CPU Reference Manual.) CALL and RTC are advanced instructions that we won’t use. CALL is similar to BSR, and RTC is similar to RTS.

22 Details: BSR and RTS From the description of BSR we see that it does three things: It decrements the stack pointer by 2. It stores the return address on the stack. It loads the subroutine’s starting address into the program counter. From the description of RTS, we see that it does two things: It loads the program counter from the memory location pointed to by the stack pointer. It increments the stack pointer by 2.

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