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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Subject: Circulatory System

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Team 3 Team 1 Team 2

5 Physiology of the heart
The Cardiac cycle Parts of the Heart Blood Vessels Disorders of the heart Physiology of the heart Anything goes Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 This chamber pumps deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.
$100 This chamber pumps deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.

7 $100 Right ventricle Scores

8 The tip of the heart on the lower left side is called the ________.
$200 The tip of the heart on the lower left side is called the ________.

9 $200 Apex Scores

10 This valve separates the left atrium and left ventricle.
$300 This valve separates the left atrium and left ventricle.

11 Bicuspid/Mitral Valve
$300 Bicuspid/Mitral Valve Scores

12 This valve opens to allow blood to enter the pulmonary artery
$400 This valve opens to allow blood to enter the pulmonary artery

13 $400 Pulmonary valve Scores

14 What is the name of the fibers that attach the tricuspid
and bicuspid valves to the walls of the ventricles. $500

15 Chordae Tendinae $500 Scores

16 $100 Arteries dump blood into this smaller vessel before leading to the capillaries.

17 $100 arterioles Scores

18 These vessels bring oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart.
$200 These vessels bring oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart.

19 $200 Pulmonary veins Scores

20 These arteries supply cardiac muscle with needed blood supply
$300 These arteries supply cardiac muscle with needed blood supply

21 $300 Coronary arteries Scores

22 Daily Double

23 What main vessel do the following vessels branch from?
$400 What main vessel do the following vessels branch from? Subclavian, common carotid, common illiac

24 $400 Aorta Scores

25 Which vessel has the thickest wall and why?
$500 Which vessel has the thickest wall and why?

26 Arteries: they carry more pressure.
$500 Arteries: they carry more pressure. Scores

27 Inflammation of the pericardium due to infection.
$100 Inflammation of the pericardium due to infection.

28 $100 pericarditis Scores

29 $200 This condition would cause abnormal heart sounds because of leakage of blood through valves in the wrong direction.

30 $200 Heart murmur Scores

31 What is another name for a heart attack?
$300 What is another name for a heart attack?

32 Myocardial infarction
$300 Myocardial infarction Scores

33 $400 These 2 things could lead to blockages in the coronary arteries, causing an MI.

34 Blood clot, plaque (cholesterol build up)
$400 Blood clot, plaque (cholesterol build up) Scores

35 $500 This disease leads to build up of fluid in lungs and body tissue because of diminished function of the heart.

36 Congestive Heart Failure
$500 Congestive Heart Failure Scores

37 $100 The inferior and superior vena cava dump blood into which chamber of the heart?

38 $100 Right atrium Scores

39 Capillaries will dump blood into __________ before going into veins?
$200 Capillaries will dump blood into __________ before going into veins?

40 $200 Venules Scores

41 Ventricular __________ is when ventricles contract.
$300 Ventricular __________ is when ventricles contract.

42 $300 Systole Scores

43 The capillaries in the lungs pick up _________ and release ________.
$400 The capillaries in the lungs pick up _________ and release ________.

44 Oxygen; carbon dioxide
$400 Oxygen; carbon dioxide Scores

45 When the __________ contracts, blood passes into the aorta.
$500 When the __________ contracts, blood passes into the aorta.

46 $500 Left ventricle Scores

47 What structure is referred to as the pacemaker of the heart?
$100 What structure is referred to as the pacemaker of the heart?

48 Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)
$100 Sinoatrial Node (SA Node) Scores

49 ____________ is a graphic record of the heart’s action currents.
$200 ____________ is a graphic record of the heart’s action currents.

50 $200 Electrocardiogram Scores

51 The ___________, on an ECG indicates when the ventricles contract.
$300 The ___________, on an ECG indicates when the ventricles contract.

52 $300 QRS-wave Scores

53 The ___________, on an ECG, indicates when the atria contract.
$400 The ___________, on an ECG, indicates when the atria contract.

54 $400 P-wave Scores

55 $500 C A E D B

56 $500 A - P B - Q C - R D - S E - T Scores

57 The bottom number of your blood pressure is _________ pressure.
$100 The bottom number of your blood pressure is _________ pressure.

58 $100 diastolic Scores

59 How does your target heart rate change as you get older?
$200 How does your target heart rate change as you get older?

60 $200 It decreases Scores

61 $300 The ________ separates the chambers and is where the AV bundle is located.

62 $300 septum Scores

63 $400 The ___________ takes blood to the liver from organs that do not pour blood into the inferior vena cava.

64 $400 Portal vein Scores

65 What is the name of the instrument used to measure blood pressure?
$500 What is the name of the instrument used to measure blood pressure?

66 $500 Sphygmomanometer Scores

67 Daily Double

68 What three vessels are shed at birth?

69 Umbilical arteries, placenta, and umbilical vein

70 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 5 Scores

71 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 1

72 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 1 Scores

73 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 2

74 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 2 Scores

75 Daily Double

76 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 3

77 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 3 Scores

78 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 4

79 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 4 Scores

80 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 5

81 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 5 Scores

82 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 1

83 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 1 Scores

84 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 2

85 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 2 Scores

86 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 3

87 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 3 Scores

88 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 4

89 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 4 Scores

90 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 5

91 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 5 Scores

92 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 1

93 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 1 Scores

94 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 2

95 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 2 Scores

96 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 3

97 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 3 Scores

98 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 4

99 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 4 Scores

100 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 5

101 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 5 Scores

102 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Enter Category Final Jeopary Question Scores

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