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Why believe in God? Why believe in Jesus?

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Presentation on theme: "Why believe in God? Why believe in Jesus?"— Presentation transcript:



3 Why believe in God?

4 Why believe in Jesus?

5 questions paper


7 Why believe in God?

8 inheritedbelief

9 fine-tuning argument


11 Psalm 19:1 the heavens are telling the glory of God the firmament proclaims his handiwork

12 cosmicconstants



15 who adjusted it?

16 electromagnetic force constant
cosmic constants electromagnetic force constant

17 1 x 10^40

18 electromagnetic force constant strong nuclear force constant
cosmic constants electromagnetic force constant strong nuclear force constant


20 cosmic constants electromagnetic force constant strong nuclear force constant weak nuclear force constant gravitational force constant


22 where did this super condensed dime-sized ball of matter come from?


24 rolling a die 1 – 1 in 6 2 – 1 in 36 3 – 1 in – 1 in 1,296 5 – 1 in 7,776 6 – 1 in 46,656



27 faith it takes more faith to think that all this came about by chance chance brought all this about than that there is a God a creator


29 anthropological argument


31 a longing for meaning and significance

32 a conviction that good overcomes evil

33 moral rational intentional
persons moral rational intentional


35 Albert Einstein The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility… The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.

36 s JesusChrist Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God

37 2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

38 changeseverything

39 So we are in week 2 of our series

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