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Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 Agenda Do Now Notes on the fall of Rome

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 Agenda Do Now Notes on the fall of Rome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 Agenda Do Now Notes on the fall of Rome
Review the causes Exit ticket Do Now Get your composition books! Write down what the Romans gave us AND how civilizations turn bad.

2 Our goal! List causes of the fall of the Roman Empire and how they impacted the future. List some of the legacies of the Roman Empire. (Do Now)

3 Essential questions What problems led to Rome’s decline?
What is a decline? What are the key legacies left behind by the Romans?

4 Fall of Rome

5 Previously! Pax Romana Now confusion and violence

6 Three Main Reasons for The Fall of Rome
Internal Corruption Division Outside Invasion

7 Internal Corruption Examples
Emperors, Generals and Politicians got their jobs through bribery or violence rather than being the best person for the job. People in power stole from the Treasury. People in power cared more about personal gain than what was best for Rome.

8 Specifics Army=powerful more money to pay soldiers
Assassinations because they couldn’t pay No more traditions Corruption!

9 Economy Weakened by invasions. low supply of gold or silver less pure

10 Division The Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two halves (eastern and western) because he decided it was too large to control. Later, the Emperor Constantine moved the official capital, and the official seat of power, to Constantinople.

11 Outside Invasion The Eastern half of Rome did well, and the Western half experienced decline. The Eastern half came to be known as The Byzantine Empire. Generals in the Western Half fought each other for power and weakened the Western Roman Empire. This allowed Germanic tribes from the north to eventually topple Rome.

12 Who invaded? 1. Visigoths from treatment 2. Vandels 3. Ostrogoths
**** Eventually Germanic emperors seized control

13 With you partner (s) Take out a sheet of paper
Write down what the causes of the decline of Rome were. Then write down how these causes would have affected the future of Rome.

14 Exit ticket Name one cause of the fall of Rome and how it led to its decline. This helps meet our goal today: List causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

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