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Annual TCA gain by phenotypic group

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1 Annual TCA gain by phenotypic group
Supplementary Figure 2 Annual TCA gain by phenotypic group Average annual TCA gain (cm2) 35 30 Very vigorous (11) 25 Vigorous (45) 20 15 10 Intermediate (22) 5 Semi-dwarfing (15) Dwarfing (19) Year 2-3 Year 3-4 Year 4-5 Year 5-6 Year 6-7 Supplementary Figure 2. Average annual TCA gain by phenotypic group. The increase in TCA was calculated for each individual and for each year. The average TCA gain was calculated for each phenotypic group each year. The data is from 112 trees from the first population , replicate 2, sample size for each phenotypic class is given in parentheses.

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