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Sheep Heart.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheep Heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheep Heart


3 Anterior longitudinal sulcus


5 Left Auricle Anterior longitudinal sulcus You can find the anterior side of the heart by finding the auricle that you can see completely; it is the left auricle. The anterior longitudinal sulcus is on that side and the coronary sinus is on the posterior side.

6 What LAYER of tissue is this?

7 What LAYER of tissue is this?
Endocardium (inside all chambers where blood touches) Myocardium (meaty areas of brown muscle) Visceral pericardium (outer shiny surface of heart) Apex

8 What CHAMBER? Apex

9 Right atrium Left atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle Apex

10 Apex

11 Atrial septum Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Mitral (bicuspid) valve Left ventricle Right ventricle Apex Interventricular septum Apex


13 Aortic semilunar valve
Mitral (bicuspid) valve Cordae tendonae Papillary muscles Trabeculae carnae


15 Aortic semilunar valve
Mitral (bicuspid) valve Cordae tendonae Papillary muscle Trabeculae carnae


17 Mitral (bicuspid) valve


19 Mitral (bicuspid) valve
Papillary muscle


21 Tricuspid valve

22 Apex

23 Atrial septum Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Mitral (bicuspid) valve Left ventricle Right ventricle Apex Interventricular septum Apex


25 Pulmonary trunk Aorta Superior vena cava


27 Aortic semilunar valve
Aorta Pulmonary trunk, which branches into pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins enter Left atrium Aortic semilunar valve


29 Aorta


31 Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Pulmonary vein

32 (leaving right ventricle)
___________ (leaving right ventricle)

33 (leaving right ventricle)
Pulmonary artery (leaving right ventricle)

34 (leaving right ventricle)
___________ (leaving right ventricle) _______ (back of heart)

35 Pulmonary artery as seen from back of heart
(leaving right ventricle) Coronary sinus (back of heart)


37 Moderator band

38 _______________ (right ventricle only)

39 Moderator band


41 Pulmonary semilunar valve
Mitral (bicuspid) valve Aortic semilunar valve (look deep under here) Tricuspid valve Cordae tendonae Papillary muscles Trabeculae carnae


43 Pulmonary trunk Pulmonary veins R. Coronary artery L. Coronary artery Anterior interventricular artery Circumflex artery


45 Left common carotid artery
R. common carotid artery R. subclavian artery R. Brachiocephalic artery Left subclavian artery Aorta Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk L. Pulmonary artery



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