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Welcome to Copyright! Download presentation materials, share ideas, and discuss concepts shared in this session by joining our Edmodo Group with the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Copyright! Download presentation materials, share ideas, and discuss concepts shared in this session by joining our Edmodo Group with the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Copyright! Download presentation materials, share ideas, and discuss concepts shared in this session by joining our Edmodo Group with the following code: [FC0195] Join the FETC Community at

2 When It Comes to Copyright, Educators are a Privileged Class! Gary H. Becker © 2011

3 Author Has Exclusive Rights To Do And Authorize: n Reproduction of work n Prepare a derivative work based on copyrighted work n Distribution of work by public sale, transfer of ownership or by rental, lease or lending n Performance of the work publicly n Display of the work publicly

4 Conditions for Using/Reproducing a Copyrighted Work Conditions for Using/Reproducing a Copyrighted Work n Copyright holder grants permission –By sale or purchase agreement –By request –Freely offered n Special exemptions in the law n Fair Use

5 Performance/Display Exemption n Section 110(1) Grants educators privilege to publicly display or perform copyrighted works for the purpose of face-to-face instruction

6 Library Photocopying Special Exemptions n Reproduction of unpublished works for the purpose of preservation and security n Reproduction of published works for purpose of replacement of damaged, deteriorating, lost or stolen copies, or obsolete format if replacements cannot be obtained at a fair price

7 Library Photocopying Special Exemptions n Reproduction for a patron of 1 single copy of one article or small part of work to become the property of patron for purpose of study or research –Must display copyright warning notice

8 Library Photocopying Special Exemptions n Reproduction of entire work if cannot be obtained at fair price –Copy becomes property of user for study and research –Copyright warning is displayed n All preceding for isolated and unrelated reproduction on different occasions. Systematic, single reproduction prohibited!

9 Recording Exemption n Critiquing - students may be audio or video recorded performing a copyrighted work for the purpose of critiquing their performance

10 Fair Use (Four Criteria to be met) n The purpose and character of the use –Commercial? Non-Profit? –Criticism, comment, news reporting? –Teaching, scholarship, research?

11 Fair Use - Photocopying Single Copy n Chapter of a book n Article from a periodical or newspaper n Short story/essay n Short poem

12 Fair Use - Photocopying Multiple Copies for Classroom Use n A complete poem if less than 250 words n An excerpt from a longer poem, but not to exceed 250 words n A complete article, story or essay of less than 2500 words n An excerpt from a larger printed work which must not exceed 10% of the whole, or 1,000 words, whichever is less

13 Off-Air Videotaping Guidelines n n Only for educational institutions n n May be held for a period not to exceed (45) days n n May only be used instructionally for first (10) consecutive school days n n Only at request of individual teachers n n May not be recorded more than once for same teacher

14 Off-Air Videotaping Guidelines n n Multiple copies may be made n n Programs cannot be altered, combined or merged n n All Copies must include copyright notice n n Institutions must establish appropriate control procedures

15 Multi-Media Fair Use Guidelines

16 Permitted Uses - Student n Produce for a specific course n Perform or display in course for which they were created n May use in a portfolio – Evidence of academic work – Support position application – Graduate school interviews

17 Permitted Uses - Educators n Instruction in Multimedia Development n Curriculum-Based Instruction – Face-to-face activities – For directed self-study by students – Remote instruction on a secure network n Peer Conferences – Workshops and Conferences n Professional Portfolio

18 Portion Limitations From Sources n Motion Media - up to 10% or 3 minutes, whichever is less n Text - up to 10% or 1,000 words, whichever is less n Poem - 250 words or less, entire poem, no more than three poems per poet – Poem - From anthology, no more than 5

19 Portion Limitations (Cont) n Poem - greater than 250 words, limited to 250 – No more than three excerpts by a poet – No more than five excerpts by different poets n Music, Lyrics and Music Video – Up to 10%, but not more than 30 seconds – Alterations do not change basic melody/character

20 Portion Limitations (Cont) n Illustrations and photographs – Not more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less – No more than 5 images from a single artist or photographer n Numerical Data Sets – Up to 10% or 2500 fields or cell entries, whichever is less

21 Fair Use and Media Literacy n Funded project n Involved following institutions: –Media Education Lab - Temple University –Center for Social Media - American University –Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property - Washington College of Law at American University n November 11, 2008 - Release of Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education - materials/codes/code-best-practices-fair-use-media- literacy-education Code of Best Practices materials/codes/code-best-practices-fair-use-media- literacy-educationCode of Best Practices materials/codes/code-best-practices-fair-use-media- literacy-education

22 Digital Millenium Copyright Act n Computer Maintenance or Repair –Permitted to make one copy of the software in the course of repair. –Copy to be destroyed after repair complete n Ephemeral Recordings by Broadcasters –May make recording in order to facilitate a transmission –Must be licensed FCC station operating under exemption for digital broadcasts or statutory license

23 Digital Millenium Copyright Act (cont) n Distance Education Study n Exemption for Non-Profit Libraries –May may make up to 3 copies of a work, including digital, for purpose of preservation interlibrary loan –Digital copies may not be made available to public outside of library premises –May copy a work into a new format, if original format becomes obsolete

24 Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 n Extends Section 110(2) special exemptions to digital distance learning or distance education n Permits performance & display of limited portions of copyrighted works n Permits making & distribution of ephemeral copies needed for digital transmissions

25 Copyright and Distance Learning n Governed by Fair Use Guidelines n Old Section 110(2) – Only Permitted performance of a non-dramatic literary or musical works for instruction n New Section 110(2) - Permits performance of dramatic and audiovisual works for instruction

26 Distance Learning Examples n May read passage from Johnny Tremain –May show video clip or or lengthier portion, but not complete video –May act out limited portion n May display a photograph, chart, table –May display a still image from motion source n May play popular song from original source –May play limited portion of music from dramatic source (opera, play) n Temporary recordings may be made to achieve preceding

27 Music - Permissible Uses n Emergency copying to replace purchased copies n Multiple copies of excerpts of works which do not constitute a performable unit n Single copy of entire performable unit if out of print, unavailable except in a larger work and for teacher research or preparation only

28 Music - Permissible Uses n Print copies may be edited or simplified n Lyrics must not be altered or added n Single copies of recordings of student performances may be made and retained n Single copy of a sound recording of copyrighted music may be made to construct aural exercises or examinations

29 How Do We Contact You? n Toll free phone/fax: 888-333-2037 n P.O. Box 951870, Lake Mary, FL 32795- 1870 n E-mail: n Website:

30 Evaluations Step 1: Go to Step 2: Select session number, session title, and evaluate.

31 Questions?

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