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The Legalization of Cannabis: The Road Walked and the Path Ahead

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Presentation on theme: "The Legalization of Cannabis: The Road Walked and the Path Ahead"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Legalization of Cannabis: The Road Walked and the Path Ahead
Saint-Sauveur November 1–2, 2018

2 Who Are You? What's your position on legalization? It's a good thing.
We can't do anything about it, so why worry? It's a bad thing. It’s our actions that will make it good or bad.

3 Presentation Outline Why legalize? Harm reduction
What's true, what's false? Law of effect The product Its active ingredients Why do our young people smoke? Recognizing intoxication Effects of chronic consumption

4 Let's Use the Same Language
Prohibition Decriminalization Legalization Harm reduction Psychosis

5 Why Legalize? An illegal drug since 1923

6 Why Legalize? An illegal drug since 1923
Drug most consumed by First Nations

7 Why Legalize? An illegal drug since 1923 Drug most consumed by FN
Drug most consumed by our youth

8 Why Legalize? Criminals made $6.2 billion in 2015 alone
13% of people in custody are there for drug offences 67% of drug offences are for cannabis

9 Attitude to Take Dramatizing Trivializing Optimal Attitude
Loss of credibility Encourages protest Very ineffective Loss of credibility Encourages use Counterproductive

10 Harm Reduction Start with small doses and increase slowly
Choose location and moment Choose less harmful products Choose safer consumption methods Smoke safely Reduce how much is consumed and how often Don's use synthetic cannabis products Don't mix with tobacco or alcohol Don't drive after smoking

11 Go to
Enter the following Game PIN:

12 Cannabis causes psychoses
About 6.4% of users will develop a schizophrenic disorder. The odds of developing such a disorder depend on age, dosage, health status, social environment and family background. Source: Johns A., Psychiatric Effects of Cannabis. Br J Psychiatry 2001; 178: 116–22.

13 Cannabis causes dependency
About 1 in 11 people who use cannabis will develop a dependency. This risk rises to 1 in 6 when use begins in adolescence. But…

14 Cannabis use leads to hard drug use
According to the Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, the theory of escalating drug use is unconfirmed. Very few people use cannabis as a gateway to other, harder drugs. In fact, when cannabis is illegal, drug sellers are the ones who offer other drugs to users.

15 Cannabis is stronger than it was
Source: ElSohly, 2016, Changes in Cannabis Potency Over the Last Two Decades (1995–2014): Analysis of Current Data in the United States, Biological Psychiatry Journal


17 Legalization will increase the number of users
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 2017

18 Law of Effect Substance EFFECT Individual Context

19 The Product

20 Active Ingredients

21 Active Ingredients

22 Why Do Our Young People Smoke?
To have fun and to relax (same as alcohol) To experiment or because they're curious To reduce anxiety and stress To belong to a group To improve performance (feeling)

23 Recognizing Intoxication
Red or glassy eyes Longer reaction time Impaired coordination/balance Lethargy or hyperactivity Limited short-term memory Increased heart rate Dilated pupils Confusion Laughter Dry mouth Euphoria Appetite ?

24 Effects of Chronic Consumption
Reversible if use starts after age 18 Decline in attention, working memory, executive functions and learning processes Amotivational syndrome

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