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Urban Studies CGC1D.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Studies CGC1D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Studies CGC1D

2 What’s Happening in this picture?

3 Assignment Schedule: (December)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 Gather Data 11 Group Work: Observations & Conclusions 12 Dance 15 Catch Up Day 16 Group Work: Action Planning 17 JIGSAW Presentations 18 Talent Show 19

4 Transportation Key Terms

5 Active Transportation
Any form of human-powered transportation – walking, biking, in-line skating, skateboarding, etc. Infrastructure that promote active transportation: improved sidewalks, dedicated bike lanes, pedestrian-bicycle signals and safer crossing points, bike racks, and greenways for walking and cycling.

6 Connectivity the measure of the efficiency of a transportation network. refers to the directness of transportation links and the number of connections in the path or road network. (e.g. as connectivity increases, travel distances decrease and route options increase, allowing more direct travel between destinations, creating a more accessible and resilient transportation system)

7 Walkability Measure of how friendly to walking an area is.
E.g. Ryerson University made Gould Street (near Yonge & Dundas Square) Pedestrian only area—put PEOPLE first!

8 We are Here?

9 Bikeability Measure of how friendly to biking an area is.
Criteria for scoring include: hills, bike lanes, connectivity, destinations

10 Public Transit Shared passenger transport service for general public (e.g. buses, rapid transit, ferries, etc.)

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