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Statistical Capacity Building

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Presentation on theme: "Statistical Capacity Building"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistical Capacity Building
New developments, opportunities and challenges Shaida Badiee, World Bank 5/2/2019

2 Summary The developing agenda: new opportunities for statistics
Strengthening the international statistical system What still needs to be done Capacity building: new resources and improving coordination 5/2/2019

3 New opportunities for statistics
The MDGs Provide an agreed framework for monitoring development progress The PRSP process Places emphasis on countries, not projects Generates new demands for statistics The Monterrey consensus Focuses on implementation and outcomes 5/2/2019

4 The international statistical system
Use of data Implementation Policies, resources, Measuring & monitoring programs, projects development progress Assessment and analysis Supply of data International National data Global data frameworks Consistent Data processes international Statistical Methods and standards data infrastructure UN specialized Financed by: agencies, IMF, WB, Review processes Government budgets, regional agencies multilateral trust funds, Transnational data Coordination, advocacy, information and bilateral donors; Supported by technical ICP, environmental assistance and training data, etc. 5/2/2019

5 Challenges Breaking out of the vicious cycle Responding to new demands
Poor quality outputinadequate funding lower demandinadequate resources Responding to new demands Making better use of existing data Building sustainable capacity Improving standards and quality Strengthening international data systems 5/2/2019

6 Percentage of countries without reliable data
for selected Millennium Development Goals indicators 100% Malnutrition Primary school completion 90% Gender equality in education 80% Under-five mortality Maternal mortality 70% HIV infection 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ALL (155) AFR (48) EAP (23) ECA (28) LCR (32) MNA (16) SAR (8) Region (number of countries) 5/2/2019

7 What needs to be done Building demand and country ownership
Assessing needs and preparing strategic plans Making better use of what is already in place Supplying training and new statistical tools Strengthening international coordination Mobilizing new resources for capacity building 5/2/2019

8 The capacity building process
Advocacy and Awareness Regional workshops Country workshops and processes PARIS21 Country Strategies PRSP process TFSCB Other processes Statistical Capacity- Building National budgets Bilateral donors STATCAP 5/2/2019

9 StatCap: A new funding instrument
Under development by WB Simplified preparation and approval procedures Based on master plans prepared from national statistical strategies Flexible and long-term approach Potential to disburse substantial resources 5/2/2019

10 The capacity building process
Advocacy and Awareness Regional workshops Country workshops and processes PARIS21 Country Strategies PRSP process TFSCB Other processes Statistical Capacity- Building National budgets Bilateral donors STATCAP 5/2/2019

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