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Digital Citizenship By Alyssa & Rhiannon ♥.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship By Alyssa & Rhiannon ♥."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship By Alyssa & Rhiannon ♥

2 Digital Citizenship How we behave in a community on the internet

3 Netiquette Good manners on a computer Have Respect Be Positive

4 Netiquette Avoid all caps Appropriate language Be Nice

5 Netiquette Tone is difficult to relay Use Emojis
“It’s not what we say, but how we say it.”

6 Internet Safety Don’t trust strangers Use safe passwords
Put settings on highest level of privacy

7 Internet Safety Common Sense Never open a suspicious link
Don’t share passwords

8 Internet Safety Don’t post personal information
Be careful when posting pictures or information on Social Networking

9 Digital Footprint What you do can be seen by everyone Can be found
Can be copied

10 Digital Footprint Everything deleted can be found
Think twice before you post something Integrity

11 Digital Footprint Protect yourself Respect other peoples privacy

12 What is Digital Citizenship?
A state in Mexico How we behave in a community on the internet Good manners on the computer Common Sense

13 What is the root word of Netiquette?
Internet Net #yolo

14 Why is Internet Safety important?
So you wont be abducted Strangers won’t be able to find you It keeps you protected All of the above

15 Does something you post ever go away?
Yes No If you delete it If you pay someone

16 Where should you use Digital Citizenship?
Social Networking In class At home At McDonalds

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