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The Middle Colonies Farms & Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle Colonies Farms & Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle Colonies Farms & Cities

2 A Wealth of Resources Land Settlers Rich soil – longer growing season
Cash crop – grains “bread basket colonies” Settlers Immigrants from all over Europe Brought agriculture knowledge w/ them Result = abundance of food

3 The Importance of Grist Mills
Power source – plenty of fast moving rivers Grind the grain into flour Sold at the market







10 The Cities Prosper At mouth of rivers Excellent harbor/ports
sea trade Philadelphia Rapid growth Wealthy city: improvement – street lights & paved roads New York

11 A Diverse Region Different groups of people settling the area
Germans: farmers and craftsmen Came as indentured servants Sold labor for passage to America Built Conestoga Wagons Sturdy - used to haul goods used in settling the West


13 A Climate of Tolerance No single group dominated the area Quakers
Settled in Pennsylvania Equality between men and women First to speak out against slavery Refused to buy sugar

14 African-Americans In Middle Colonies
7 % slaves Lived/worked mostly in cities Servants – assistants to craftsmen New York Slave rebellions Some free African – Americans there

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