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Prayer to Saint Michael

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1 Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

2 Section 4: Southern Colonies

3 Other Immigrants Prisoners shipped to colonies Slaves
Indentured servants – paid for passage to America by agreeing to work without pay for a certain period of time

4 Maryland Sir George Calvert, Lord of Baltimore
Catholic who wanted a safe haven for fellow Catholics (as well as $) 1632 – given proprietary colony north of Virginia by King Charles I – inherited by George’s son Two brothers sent to run colony, arriving in 1634

5 Maryland Sailed up Potomac River First settlement – St. Mary’s
Tried tobacco farming – law made that anyone planting it had to plant two acres of corn Other crops (wheat, fruit, vegetables) and livestock raised for feeding families and workers 1729 – City of Baltimore founded, Maryland’s main port

6 Need for Settlers Maryland had large, wealthy class of landowners
Need for workers – Lord Baltimore promised 100 acres to each male settler, 100 for his wife, 100 for each servant, and 50 for each child. If a married man had 10 servants and 6 children, how many acres would he receive? -1500 acres Colony imported more indentured servants and slaves as need for workers increased

7 Mason-Dixon Line Calvert family (Maryland) and Penn family (Pennsylvania) argued over the boundary between their two colonies 1760s – hired British astronomers Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon to map the line Many years later they had finished laying out boundary stones

8 Act of Toleration 1649 – Baltimore passed Act of Toleration
Catholics and Protestants both given freedom of worship 1692 – Protestant-controlled assembly made Anglican Church Maryland’s state church and imposed England’s restrictions on Catholics

9 Virginia Wealthy tobacco planters held best land – on the coast
Conflicts with Native Americans to the West 1640s – Governor William Berkeley agreed to stay off Native American lands in exchange for a large piece of land

10 Bacon’s Rebellion Wealthy young planter
He and other westerners opposed colonial government, viewed it as eastern-dominated Angry about governor’s pledge to leave Native American land alone, blamed him when Native Americans went on retaliatory raids 1676 attacked Native American villages Led army to Jamestown, set fire to capital, and sent governor into exile Bacon died and rebellion ended, but colonists unwilling to be restricted to the coast

11 The Carolinas Carolina = “Charles’s land” 1680 city of Charles
Town founded (later called Charleston) Constitution written by John Locke

12 North Carolina Settled mostly by small farmers from backcountry of Virginia Grew tobacco, forest products (timber and tar) No good harbor, used Virginian ports for trade

13 South Carolina More prosperous due to fertile farmland and a good harbor at Charles Town (Charleston) Trade in deerskin, lumber, and beef Leading crop – rice Important new crop discovered by Eliza Lucas in 1740s – Indigo, or “blue gold” Used for dyeing textiles

14 The Split Most South Carolina settlers brought slave labor from Barbados, used them in rice fields By 1708 more than half the population was slave 1719 – South Carolingian settlers seized control from proprietors 1729 – Carolinas officially split into two royal colonies, North Carolina and South Carolina

15 Georgia 1733 – last of original 13 colonies to be founded
Charter given to General James Oglethorpe Colony for debtors to pay off debts Georgia also served as a military buffer to protect the valuable Carolinas from Spanish Florida

16 Not That Many Debtors Built the town of Savannah and forts to defend against the Spanish Oglethorpe kept farms small, banned slavery, Catholics, and rum Few debtors came to Georgia, but many poor people came – highest % of non-British settlers

17 “Our Perpetual Dictator”
Colonists complained about Oglethorpe’s rules, called him “our perpetual dictator” Didn’t like land limits and slavery ban Oglethorpe increased land amounts and lifted the rum and slavery bans Didn’t lift the ban on Catholics!

18 Homework p. 3 Reading Check Questions, pp

19 Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

20 New France

21 New France France settled Quebec in 1608 and Montreal in 1642 (Champlain had discovered Montreal) Mainly interested in fishing and fur trapping, not large-scale settlements 1663 became a royal colony

22 Joliet Fur trader Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette explored Mississippi River

23 La Salle Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle went down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico Called region Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV French governor founded port of New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi River

24 Tenant Farmers French settlement grew slowly as estates along the St. Lawrence River Estate holders received land if they brought settlers Settlers who worked the land for rent for fixed # of days = tenant farmers

25 New Spain Spain controlled most of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America Expanded into west and southwest of modern U.S., primarily to protect its other land claims 1609/1610, missionaries, soldiers and settlers founded Sante Fe (in modern New Mexico) Late 1600s – group settled Arizona Moved into Texas to establish as a buffer state between Mexico and New France

26 Fr. Junipero Serra Spanish priests built missions (religious settlements for converting people) along Pacific coast Spanish missionaries and soldiers sometimes brought Native Americans to missions by force Franciscan monk Junipero Serra set up nine missions from He worked to protect Native Americans from mistreatment

27 Section 4 Assessment 1) Write a short paragraph in which you use all of the following terms: indentured servant, constitution, debtor, tenant farmer, mission. - Student work should reflect correct use of terms. 2) Explain why French settlement in North America was slower than in the English colonies. - The French concentrated on fishing and trading furs, not settlement. 3) What role did Margaret Brent play in the government and economy of Maryland? - Brent was a political adviser and landowner in Maryland.

28 Section 4 Assessment 4) Do you think uprisings such as Bacon’s Rebellion were a sign of more unrest to come? Explain your answer. - Answers will vary, but students should recognize that a desire for land and representative government would be likely to continue to cause unrest. 5) Re-create the diagram below and describe the regions that these countries controlled in North America. Country Region Spain Mexico and what is now Southwestern United States France Area around Quebec in present-day Canada, Louisiana Territory (region around the Mississippi) in the present-day United States

29 Section 4 Assessment 6) Review the map on page 87. Which of the Southern Colonies included the city of Norfolk? - Virginia What were the main products in Georgia? - Rice, indigo What was the major city in South Carolina? - Charles Town

30 Homework Study

31 Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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