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Micro Enterprise Self-Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Micro Enterprise Self-Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Micro Enterprise Self-Assessment
Lauren Wismar 3 hour

2 Agenda Five Areas of Behaviors, Skills, and Capabilities
Self-Assessment What I Have Learned Career Plans Questions

3 The Five Areas of Behaviors, Skills, and Capabilities
Part 1: The Five Areas of Behaviors, Skills, and Capabilities

4 Determination, Self-Motivation, Self-Discipline, and Grit
Determination: having willpower Self-Motivation: continue a task without another’s supervision Self-Discipline: training yourself to become better Grit: commitment to overcome obstacles

5 Problem Solving and Teamwork
Problem Solving: capable and thinking of solving a problem Teamwork: working well with other people to fix a problem

6 Communication Skills, Comfort Engaging with Strangers
Communication Skills: ability to accurately convey Comfort Engaging with Strangers: feeling comfortable communicating with unfamiliar people

7 Financial and Computer Literacy
Financial Literacy: understanding how individuals and businesses earn and spend money Computer Literacy: ability to perform basic tasks on a computer

8 Personal Capabilities and Support Systems
Personal Capabilities: abilities an develops over time Support System: being able to help people when a problem arises.

9 Part 2: My Self-Assessment

10 Strengths Determination Personal Capabilities

11 Areas of Improvement Communication skills
Comfort engaging with strangers

12 Part 3: What I Have Learned

13 What I Have Learned About Myself
I feel more comfortable talking and helping people in a business environment rather than a school environment

14 Something that was Confirmed
I am not very good at communicating with other people. I am determined and motivated.

15 Part 4: My Career Plans

16 Specific Career Veterinarian
Specialize and become board certified in surgery Why? I have always been raised around animals and they have become an important part of my life. When I volunteer, I am able to watch surgeries

17 Possible Careers Fish and Game Warden
Why? Interested in ensuring that wildlife laws are followed and that everything is given a fair chance.

18 Why I Might be an Entrepreneur
Own boss Veterinary clinic Cat and dog boarding Non-profit animal shelter Unlimited choices

19 Part 5: Questions

20 Question 1 What is the most interesting case that you had to treat

21 Question 2 What do you enjoy most at work?

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