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Dubna "Delta-Sigma" Experiment
Measurements of Energy Behaviours of Spin-Dependent np Observables over a GeV Region Dubna "Delta-Sigma" Experiment New accurate data on the neutron-proton spin-dependent total cross section difference ΔσL(np) at the neutron beam kinetic energies 1.4, 1.7, 1.9 and 2.0 GeV are presented. A number of physical and methodical results on investigation of an elastic nppn charge exchange process at 0º over GeV region are also presented. Measurements were carried out at the Synchrophasotron and at the Nuclotron of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Outline Introduction. Aims of the "Delta-Sigma" experiment. Program, Tools, Participants. Determination of ΔσL,T(np) observables and experimental set-up for its measurements. Parameters of detectors and neutron beam and some methodical results. The ΔσL(np) and ΔσL(I=0) results and discussion. Determination of A00kk(np), A00nn(np) and Rdp observables. Magnetic Spectrometer for Investigation of Elastic nppn Charge Exchange Process. A Number of Results on the Elastic nppn Charge Exchange Process Detection. Conclusion. Dubna-SPIN-2005
The investigations are being carried out
under the program of the first priority JINR project of "Delta-Sigma" Experiment. The aim of the project is to extend investigations of NN interaction over a new high 1.2 – 3.7 GeV energy region of free polarized neutron beams, provided at present only by the JINR VBLHE accelerators. The main task of these studies is determination for the first time the imaginary and real parts of spin-dependent forward scattering NN amplitudes over this energy region. To reach this aim, a sufficient data set on energy dependencies of np spin-dependent observables have to be obtained for direct and simple reconstruction of these amplitudes. Dubna-SPIN-2005
The Delta-Sigma experiment research program
SPIN-Praha-2005 The Delta-Sigma experiment research program 1. Using longitudinally (L) and transverse (T) polarized neutron beams and polarized proton target to measure the energy dependencies of a) the total cross section differences ΔσL(np) and ΔσT(np) for parallel and antiparallel directions of beam and target polarizations, with energy steps of 100–200 MeV and expected statistical errors of 1 mb. The observables ΔσL(np) and ΔσT(np) are linearly related to the imaginary parts of the two spin-dependent forward scattering invariant amplitudes c and d via optical theorems and allow to extract these imaginary parts. b) the spin-correlation parameters A00kk(np) and A00nn(np) with expected statistical errors of 0.02 – (simultaneously and independently with the ΔσL,T(np) measurements) . The A00kk(np) and A00nn(np) values will be obtained from a registration of yields of elastic charge exchange process np pn at 0 angle. They are related to the real part of mentioned above amplitudes and data to be obtained will be used to extract ones. Dubna-SPIN-2005
The Delta-Sigma experiment research program
2. Using high intensity unpolarised neutron beam and liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets, to measure c) the ratio Rdp = [dσ/dΩ(nd)] / [dσ/dΩ(np)] for elastic charge exchange process np pn at 0 angle on deuterium and hydrogen targets with 5% statistical errors at the same energies as for i. 1. Experimental observable Rdp is the ratio of a quasi-elastic nd scattering differential cross section to the free np elastic scattering one. The data set on energy behaviors of spin-dependent observables ΔσL,T(np), A00kk(np), A00nn(np) and Rdp will be obtained for the first time over the energy range of neutron beam of 1.2–3.7 GeV. Besides the direct amplitude reconstruction, this data set will be used to extend the NN phase shift analysis to more high energies and to verify of the dynamical model predictions. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Accelerators and tools
SPIN-Praha-2005 Accelerators and tools The Synchrophasotron and Nuclotron VBLHE, JINR. Relativistic 1 – 5 GeV polarized neutron beams with average polarization value of 0.53, orientation of polarization L or T and reversion of polarization direction cycle by cycle; unpolarized neutron beam with high intensity (4x106 n/cycle at Tn = 2 GeV). Large (140 cm3) polarized proton target with polarization value of 0.7–0.8. Cryogenic hydrogen H2 and deuterium D2 targets (L = 30 cm) . “ Delta-Sigma” set-up with: monitor and transmission neutron detectors; magnetic spectrometer with proportional chambers; detectors for target surrounding; time-of-flight system; modern data acquisition system. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Participants of the "DELTA-SIGMA" experiment
S.A.Averichev, L.S.Azhgirey, N.G.Anischenko, V.D.Bartenev, A.Bazhanov, N.A.Blinov, N.S.Borisov, S.B.Borzakov, Yu.T.Borzunov, T.N.Borzunova, E.I.Bunyatova, V.F.Burinov, Yu.P.Bushuev, L.P.Chernenko, E.V.Chernykh, V.F.Chumakov, S.A.Dolgii, A.N.Fedorov, V.V.Fimushkin, M.Finger1, M.Finger,Jr., L.B.Golovanov, D.K.Guriev, A.Janata2, A.D.Kirillov, V.G.Kolomiets, E.V.Komogorov, A.D.Kovalenko, I.G.Konskii, N.I.Kochelev, V.A.Krasnov, E.S.Kuzmin, N.A.Kuzmin, V.P.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, A.N.Livanov, P.K.Maniakov, E.A.Matyushevsky, A.A.Morozov, A.B.Neganov, G.P.Nikolaevsky, A.A.Nomofilov, Tz.Panteleev3, Yu.K.Pilipenko, I.L.Pisarev, Yu.A.Plis, R.V.Polyakova, V.Yu.Prytkov, P.A.Rukoyatkin, V.I.Sharov, T.V.Shavrina, S.N.Shilov, R.A.Shindin, Yu.A.Shishov, V.B.Shutov, O.N.Schevelev, M.Slunechka, V.Slunechkova, A.Yu.Starikov, L.N.Strunov, Yu.A.Usov, T.A.Vasiliev, V.I.Volkov, E.I.Vorobiev, I.P.Yudin, I.V.Zaitsev, V.N.Zhmyrov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 1 Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic 2 Institute for Nuclear Research, Rez, Czech Republic 3 Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria V.G.Baryshevsky, K.G.Batrakov, T.I.Klimkovich, S.L.Cherkas RNNP,Belorussian State University, Belorussia A.I.Kovalev, A.N.Prokofiev, V.A.Schedrov, A.A.Zhdanov Peterburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gatchina G.M.Gurevich Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow V.G.Antonenko, Yu.P.Polunin Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow F.Lehar. A. de Lesquen DAPNIA, Saclay, France A.A.Belyaev, A.A.Lukhanin Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine Dubna-SPIN-2005
Determination of ΔσL,T (np) Observables
We use NN formalism and the notations for elastic nucleon-nucleon scattering observables from J. Bystricky, F. Lehar and P.Winternitz. J. Phys. (Paris). 39, 1 (1978). The general expression for the total cross section of a polarized nucleon beam trasmitted through a polarized proton target is (S.M.Bilenky and R.M.Ryndin, Phys.Lett. 6 (1963) 217, R.J.N. Phillips, Nucl.Phys. 43 (1963) 413): σtot = σ0tot + σ1tot (PB PT) + σ2tot (PB k)(PT k), (1) where PB and PT are the beam and target polarizations, and k is the unit vector in the incident beam direction. The term σ0tot is the spin-independent total cross section, and σ1tot and σ2tot are the spin-dependent contributions which connect with the observables ΔσT and ΔσL by the relations: – ΔσT = 2 σ1tot = [σtot (↑↑) – σtot (↓↑)]/PB PT, (2) – ΔσL = 2 (σ1tot + σ2tot) = [σtot (→→) – σtot (→←)]/PB PT (3) Values of σ0tot, ΔσT and ΔσL are connected with the imaginary parts of three invariant forward scattering amplitudes a + b, c and d via three optical theorems: σ0tot = (2π/K) Im [a(0) + b(0)], (4) – ΔσT = (4π/K) Im [c(0) + d(0)], (5) – ΔσL = (4π/K) Im [c(0) – d(0)] (6) From isotopic invariance of strong interaction, one can write the following expressions for total cross section differences at isosinglet and isotriplet states: ΔσL,T (np) = ½ΔσL,T (I=0) + ½ΔσL,T (I=1), (7) ΔσL,T (pp) = ΔσL,T (nn) = ΔσL,T (I=1), (8) ΔσL,T (I=0) = 2 ΔσL,T (np) – ΔσL,T (pp) (9) Using the last equation, one can obtain values of ΔσL,T (I=0) from known quantities of ΔσL,T (np) and ΔσL,T (pp), measured at the same energy. Dubna-SPIN-2005
DELTA-SIGMA Setup at the Polarized Neutron Beams of the JINR VBLHE
VP 1 – beam line of polarized deuterons; 1V – beam line of polarized neutrons; BT – beryllium neutron production target; IC – ionization chamber; PIC 1-3, 9-16 – multiwire proportional/ionization chambers; CM – sweeping magnet; C1-C4 – set of neutron beam collimators; SRM – neutron spin rotating magnet; PPT – polarized proton target; NP – neutron profilometer Dubna-SPIN-2005
Polarized Neutron Beam Parameters
The beam of free quasi-monochromatic neutrons, polarized along the vertical directions, is obtained by break-up at 0 of vector polarized deuterons in the Beryllium target BT (20 cm×8×8 cm2). Neutron beam is formed by a set of collimators C1–C4. The deuteron beam momentum Pd is known with accuracy of ~1 %. The neutron beam has the momentum Pn = Pd /2. Intensity of prepared neutron beam at Tn = 3.7 GeV was ~2∙106 n/cycle. For the ΔσL measurements, the neutron spins are rotated from vertical direction to the direction of beam momentum by spin rotating magnet SRM. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Energy Dependence of the –ΔσL (np) Observable Obtained with Free Neutron Polarized Beams
Energy Dependence of the –ΔσL (I=0)
Measurements of the -ΔσL (np) energy dependence were
in main completed using L-polarized neutron beam from the Synchrophasotron and the Dubna L-polarized proton target . Results were published in: References on –ΔσL (np) results B.P.Adiasevich, V.G.Antonenko, S.A.Averichev, L.S.Azhgirey et al. Zeitschrift fur Physik C71 (1996) 65. V.I.Sharov, S.A.Zaporozhets, B.P.Adiasevich, V.G.Antonenko et al. JINR Rapid Communications 3[77]-96 (1996) 13. V.I.Sharov, S.A.Zaporozhets, B.P.Adiasevich, N.G.Anischenko et al. JINR Rapid Communications 4[96]-99 (1999) 5. V.I.Sharov, S.A.Zaporozhets, B.P.Adiasevich, N.G.Anischenko et al. European Physical Journal C13 (2000) 255. V.I.Sharov, N.G.Anischenko, V.G.Antonenko, S.A.Averichev et al. European Physical Journal C37 (2004) V.I.Sharov, N.G.Anischenko, V.G.Antonenko, S.A.Averichev et al. Yadernaya Fizika v.68, №11 (2005) To be published. Physics of Atomic Nuclei v.68, №11 (2005) Dubna-SPIN-2005
Measurements of the ΔσL,T (np) and A00kk(np) and A00nn(np) energy dependences using L and T orientations of beam and target polarizations will be available in the near future when the new high intensity source of polarized deuterons (CIPIOS) will be put in operation at the Nuclotron and when the T mode of target polarization will be ready. We would like remind that as a result of the project program, the complete L,T data set of the np spin observables at 0º will be first obtained over a GeV energy region. This data set allows us to perform the first direct reconstruction of all three forward NN elastic scattering isosinglet amplitudes over this energy region. Analysis of the energy behaviour of Re and Im parts of these amplitudes (Argand plots) allow us to look for and verify the detected signal of a possible exotic six-quark state excitation. During the last period, in frame of the project experimental program, the studies of elastic np->pn charge exchange process are carried out using high intensity unpolarized neutron beams and cryogenic H2 and D2 targets (l=34 cm). The first results of these measurements will be presented below. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Measurements of the A00kk(np) and A00nn(np) from nppn process at 0ο in Lab
If the scattered particles are detected at 0º angle then only two non-vanishing spin-dependent quantities A00nn(E,0º) and A00kk(E,0º) can be measured from the nppn scattering. C.Lechanoine-Leluc and F.Lehar. Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 47 (1993). J. Ball, R.Binz, J.Bystricky et al. Eur.Phys.J. C 5, 57 (1998). These NN-observables are connected with invariant amplitudes by (the centre of mass system): dσ/dΩ (π) = ½[|a|2 + |b|2 + |c|2 + |d|2], (17) dσ/dΩ A00nn(π) = ½[|a|2 – |b|2 – |c|2 + |d|2], (18) dσ/dΩ A00kk(π) = Re a* d + Re b* c. (19) These equations can be transformed to: dσ/dΩ (1 + A00kk) = |b + c|2 = A + (Re b + Re c)2, (20) dσ/dΩ (1 – A00kk – 2A00nn) = |b – c|2 = B + (Re b – Re c)2, (21) dσ/dΩ (1 – A00kk + 2A00nn) = |b + c – 2d|2 = = C + (Re b + Re c – 2Re d)2, (22) where terms A, B, C contain the amplitudes imaginary parts only. The amplitudes real parts b, c, and d can be determined from equations (20), (21), (22) using known imaginary ones. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Rdp (π) = (2/3) · dσ/dΩSD ( np) / dσ/dΩ(np), (24)
Experimental observable Rdp = dσ/dΩ(nd) / dσ/dΩ(np) (23) is the ratio of a quasi-elastic nd scattering differential cross section to the free np elastic scattering one. At θCM = π (F.Lehar. Private communication) Rdp (π) = (2/3) · dσ/dΩSD ( np) / dσ/dΩ(np), (24) Rdp (π) = (2/3) · [0.25 · |a - b| · ( |c|2 - |d|2 )] / 0.5 · ( |a|2 + |b|2 + |c|2 + |d|2 ), (25) where dσ/dΩSD ( np) is the “spin-dependent” part of the nppn differential cross section. Energy dependence of the ratio Rdp for elastic charge exchange process nppn at 0º in Lab (or elastic npnp backward scatteting in C.M.S.) are being measured using high intensity unpolarised neutron beam from the Nuclotron and the magnetic spectrometer of the Delta-Sigma set-up with liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets. The values of Rdp can give one additional relation between spin-dependent NN-amplitudes and a set of such data allows to avoid one uncertainty of extraction of amplitudes real parts. Dubna-SPIN-2005
Magnetic Spectrometer for Detection of Protons from nppn Charge Exchange Process
Detected Events Distribution in the θ vs φ Plane
Separation of the p and d particles in the TOF vs Momentum plane
Estimations of dσ/dΩ for quasi-elastic np scattering on D2 target at 1
Estimations of dσ/dΩ for quasi-elastic np scattering on D2 target at 1.8 GeV Dubna-SPIN-2005
Energy dependences of differential cross sections of elastic np→pn charge exchange at 0˚ CM (F.Lehar. Private communication) Dubna-SPIN-2005
An example of Rdp estimation at 1.8 GeV
Energy dependence of the ratio Rdp for elastic charge exchange process nppn at 0º in Lab
Energy dependence of the ratio Rdp (F. Lehar. Private communication) B
Energy dependence of the ratio Rdp (F.Lehar. Private communication) B.Pagels, Diplomarbeit, Universitat Freiburg i. Br.,1988, unpublished Dubna-SPIN-2005
Conclusion New –ΔσL(np) results complete in the main the measurement of energy dependence of this observable at the Synchrophasotron energy region. Measured –ΔσL(np) values are in accordance with the existing np results at low energies, obtained with free neutron beams. The rapid decrease of –ΔσL(np) values above 1.1 GeV was observed in the first data taking runs and is confirmed in the latest run and a minimum or a shoulder around 1.8 GeV is observed. The necessity of more detailed and accurate –ΔσL(np) measurements around 1.8 GeV and new –ΔσT(np ) data in the energy region above 1.1 GeV is emphasized. The possibilities for A00kk(np), A00nn(np) and Rdp measurements, using prepared magnetic spectrometer, were demonstrated. New pleliminary results at θCM = π for Rdp = dσ/dΩ(nd) / dσ/dΩ(np) – the ratio of a quasi-elastic nd scattering differential cross section to the free np elastic scattering one at 1.0, 1.2, 1.8 and 2.0 GeV are presented. We are grateful to the JINR, JINR VBLHE and DLNP Directorates for these investigations support. The investigations were supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant № 02–02–17129). Dubna-SPIN-2005
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