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Who Are You And What Do You Want

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are You And What Do You Want"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Are You And What Do You Want
Mark 6:30-44

2 No Chance to Eat

3 No Chance to Rest Robert Murray M'Cheyne

4 Who Are These People? They race a boat around a lake
They leave home without any food They sit on the ground in 50s and 100s They try to force Jesus to be king (John 6:15) They are all men

5 What Do They Want? A prophet to bless their endeavours?
A Messiah to lead their armies? Whatever is ‘new’ and ‘happening’? Alexander the Great c. 50AD copy of a 330BC sculpture British Museum

6 Who Is This Man? The Great Shepherd of Israel Moses and Elisha renewed

7 What Does He Give? Teaching and food His life as a ransom
They are fed twice His life as a ransom The Great Shepherd of Israel is also the Sacrificial Lamb

8 Who are You and What Do You Want?
“They all ate and were satisfied” Whatever people think they need, they need a saviour Whatever the Church thinks it can provide, they need a saviour

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