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Formal reports are distinguished from informal letter and memo reports by their length and by their components. Though long reports can vary in format.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal reports are distinguished from informal letter and memo reports by their length and by their components. Though long reports can vary in format."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal reports are distinguished from informal letter and memo reports by their length and by their components. Though long reports can vary in format and content, the long report detailed in this module has many of the features typical of college student reports.

2 Long Reports To learn how to
Use your time efficiently when you write reports. Set up the parts of a full formal report. Reduce legal liability.

3 Start by answering these questions:
Long Reports Start by answering these questions: I’ve never written anything so long. How should I organize my time? How do I create each of the parts of a formal report?

4 Parts of a Full Formal Report
Cover Title Page Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents List of Illustrations Executive Summary Report Body Conclusions Each of these components is common in full formal reports. When writing in an organization, use older reports for similar tasks as a model. Recommendations Notes or Works Cited Appendixes

5 To Write Better Reports
Think about the parts of the report before you start writing. Begin writing parts as soon as you can—even out of sequence. Spend the most time on sections that support your recommendation. When writing a lengthy document like a full formal report, plan your task carefully. Start writing parts as soon as you can, spending most of your time on sections that support your recommendation. To identify which sections those are, list all of the sections your report will have, and mark sections accordingly.

6 Format for Transmittals
Tell when and by whom the report was authorized and its purpose. Summarize conclusions and recommendations. Indicate how you solved minor problems, if any. Point out any additional research. Thank the reader and offer to answer questions. Write the transmittal letter last, when the rest of the report is essentially complete. You can create a letterhead for yourself, if appropriate

7 Introduction Sections
Purpose Scope Limitations Assumptions Methods The Introduction of the report provides key information for the reader to understand why the report was written and what it will seek to answer. Much of this information can come from the proposal for the project. For more information on writing sections of the report, see the notes in the report example in Module 24.

8 Tells the reader what the document is about.
Executive Summary Tells the reader what the document is about. In the first paragraph, identify the report’s recommendation or main point. In the body, identify major supporting points. Include all of the information decision-makers need. An Executive Summary tells the reader what the document is about. It summarizes the recommendation of the report and the reasons for the recommendation.

9 Executive Summary continued
If you have conducted surveys or interviews, briefly describe your methods.

10 Conclusions and Recommendations
Summarize points made in the body of the report. Recommendations Are action items that would solve or partially solve the problem. If a recommendation seems difficult or controversial, give a brief paragraph of rationale. Conclusions and Recommendations can be combined in one section. Clearly indicate what you believe the organization should do, and provide steps or options for how the organization can implement the recommendation. If the recommendations will seem difficult or controversial, give a brief rationale after each recommendation.

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