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Learning Objective: combine short related sentences with adjectives

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1 Learning Objective: combine short related sentences with adjectives
Do gestures with students. What are we going to do?

2 Discuss with your partner which word is the adjective?
Adjectives describes a now. EX: The pretty girl ate an apple. The pretty girl ate an apple. Allow students to share with partners. Have A tell B and B tell A. Walk around and make sure students are sharing ideas Allow about 2 minutes for discussion Then call on a volunteers to share responses

3 Example: Short Sentences: Tom read a book.    It was a mystery. Sentences combined with an adjective: Tom read a mystery book.   Sentence combing: Sentence combining is making one smoother, more detailed sentence out of two or more shorter sentences Describes a now Concept development Review meaning combining related sentences Pair share how to combine sentences Call on non volunteer to share meaning

4 Steps for combining sentences with adverbs
Read the sentences Identify the adverbs Combine the sentences Adjectives tell describe a noun We are suppose to ride the bus It is yellow Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer You are suppose to ride the yellow bus.

5 Steps for combining sentences with adverbs
Sarah enjoys eating pizza. It is cheesy and greasy Read the sentences Identify the adverbs Combine the sentences Adjectives tell describe a noun Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer Sarah enjoys eating cheesy and greasy pizza. 5

6 Steps for combining sentences with adverbs
Tom found a cat. It is was furry. Read the sentences Identify the adverbs Combine the sentences Adjectives tell describe a noun Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer Tom found a furry cat. 6

7 My dad watched a fun game.
Closing What did we learn how to combine today? Why is it important learn? 1. My dad watched a game. 2. It was fun. Have students TPS the learning objective and the importance then call on a non-volunteer Have students use W/B and check to see if you 80%, if so move into independent practice. My dad watched a fun game.

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