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Día número 4 Español 1—Acelerado

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Presentation on theme: "Día número 4 Español 1—Acelerado"— Presentation transcript:

1 Día número 4 Español 1—Acelerado
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What can you say to ask someone what his/her name is? What can you say to tell someone your name? How do you ask someone how they are doing? How do you answer someone who asks how you are doing? Why is it important to greet people and say goodbye? Why is it important to learn another language? Why is it important to be organized? GOALs To speak Spanish at least 90% of the time To learn useful phrases for communicating in Spanish To join

2 Día número 4 Español 1—Acelerado
LEER el Boletín

3 La SraB estampa y recoge (collects) la tarea:
Not many students had the HW done today since it isn’t due until Sept 1, so I will stamp it tomorrow or when more students have done both parts (Filled out the info AND sent the ). La SraB estampa y recoge (collects) la tarea: la información en el papel de Procedimientos de la Clase mientras (while) los estudiantes copian el vocabulario útil en su cuaderno de espiral.

4 Página Fecha TEMA Primero (1st), completa el Índice: Índice Pg 1
El # 22 de agosto Vocabulario útil Pg 2 Pg 3

5 Segundo (2nd), escribe la fecha y el título de la entrada:
All your papers need a page #, your name & period in the top, right hand corner. Pg # 1 Nombre Per. El 22 de agosto : Vocabulario útil Write the date, section title with number highlighted and title of the entry. Apuntes #1: Skip a line between entries. El de agosto : Apuntes #2:

6 Labeling your work correctly makes it easier to organize it according to the table of contents.

7 Vocabulario útil (Useful Voc)
Pg #1 Nombre Per __ La SraB estampa la tarea mientras los estudiantes copian los apuntes de vocabulario útil: Use highlighters or colored pens/pencils to write the notes like I did. El 22 de agosto Apuntes #1: Vocabulario útil (Useful Voc) 1. ¿Puedo hablar en inglés, por favor? =Can I to speak in English, please? 2. No comprendo = I don’t comprehend / understand. 3. ¿Puede usted repetirlo, por favor?=Can you (polite) to repeat it, please? 4. ¿Puede ayudarme, por favor? =Can you to help me…? 5. ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor? =Can I to go to the RR…? Be aware that you lose your participation points if you use the restroom during class time! You need to ask to go at the beginning of class as soon as you get to class so there will be minimal disruption during class time.

8 Instrucciones para el cuaderno de español
¿Hay (are there) preguntas sobre (about) la organización del cuaderno? Nombre __________________________________________________ Per_______ Instrucciones para el cuaderno de español Throughout the year, you will be required to turn in a cuaderno (notebook/binder) for a 50-point classwork grade. The objective is to effectively organize all of your work so that it is easily accessible and useful in helping you to study for exams. In order to be most successful in this class, it is highly recommended that you keep all of your work organized in a spiral notebook and 3-ring binder that you use just for this class. In order to receive full credit, you must adhere to the following guidelines: Labeling of pages EVERY page must be labeled with a section letter, your first and last name, and your class period in the UPPER RIGHT HAND corner EXAMPLE OF A PROPERLY LABELED PAGE SECTIONS: Pg B Spiral notebook with Apuntes (Notes) Jennifer López A=Auto-pruebas (Self-Assessments) Per B=Prácticas (usually HW Worksheets) C=Información Cultural D=Información de Consulta (Reference Material)

Notes and Self-assessments In order to save paper, notes and self-assessments from different days are written on the same paper as previous notes or self-assessments. Please SKIP A LINE to separate one entry from another and write the NEW DATE for EACH ENTRY. PLEASE HIGHLIGHT the Apuntes #, Activity #, or Self-assessment # for each entry. EXAMPLE OF A PROPER LABELED PAGE FOR NOTES El 17 de agosto Apuntes #1: Basic Conversation Voc #1 Blah, Blah, Blah (skip a line) El 18 de agosto Apuntes #2: Basic Conversation Voc #2

10 Turning in the Notebook/Binder
Organization Pages in your notebook/binder must be organized using the “Índice” (Table of Contents) posted on the WEBSITE. The final Índice will be posted by the day before the notebook is due; but if you want to get a head start, you can find a table of contents in-progress on the latest Word document for What did we do today? in the class website: Pages must be placed in SECTION ORDER, AND then BY DATE as they are listed on the Índice. Turning in the Notebook/Binder Notebooks/binders will usually be turned in the day of the unit test. In order to receive full credit, they must be in the pile by 3 p.m. on the due date. You may turn it in at lunch or after school that day but YOU MAY NOT organize it during class! Any notebooks/binders that are worked on in class or turned in after the day it is due will lose 10% per day.

11 Grading of the Notebook
Every notebook/binder you turn in will be worth 50 points, regardless of how many pages are required. I will divide the number of items you have by the number of items listed on the Índice (Table of Contents). I will convert your score into a percentage that will be multiplied by 50. Example: You have 35 of the 38 items required according to the Índice: 35/38 = 92.1% 92.1% x 50 = 46.05 Notebook score = 46/50

12 How to label ALL your papers:
Pg # Nombre Periodo El 18 de agosto Apuntes #1: Basic Conversation Voc #1 El 19 de agosto Apuntes #2: Basic Conversation Voc #2 All your papers need a page #, your name & period in the top, right hand corner. Write the date, section title with number highlighted and title of the entry. Apuntes #1 Skip a line between entries. Apuntes #2

13 = How do yourself you call? Me llamo… (Sra. Bernal).
¿Puedes escribir el vocabulario en español? (en las pizarritas) ¡Hola! = Hi! / Hello! ¿Cómo te llamas? = How do yourself you call? Me llamo… (Sra. Bernal). = Myself I call… (SraB) ¿Tu horario? = Your schedule? Aquí está. = Here it is. Did you remember the correct punctuation?

14 La Tarea Get the syllabus/class procedures paper filled out and signed (if you didn’t do it yet). SEND me an with the info I asked for. Learn the voc we have had so far. Learn the Voc Útil phrases. Make sure to sign up for Google Classroom and Quizlet.

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