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Main steps in designing a national qualifications framework

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1 Main steps in designing a national qualifications framework
Mogens Berg Former chair of the Bologna Working Group Yerevan, 9 September 2008

2 NQF and Bologna Framework
Self certification National Qualifications Framework Accreditation or similar National qualifications

3 Problem areas of NQF for HE
Deciding for an NQF Designing the NQF Administration of an NQF Self-certification of compatibility

4 Steps in establishing NQF (1)
Decision to start Taken by the national body responsible for higher education (minister?) 2 Setting the agenda: The purpose of our NQF WG-Report nr. 1 (section 2.3) 3 Organising the process Identifying stakeholders; setting up a committee/WG 4 Design Profile Level structure; Level descriptors (learning outcomes) Credit ranges 5 Consultation National discussion and acceptance of design by stakeholders

5 3. Organising the process
Identifying the stakeholders Ad hoc or permanent organisation Setting up a committee or board Timetable

6 4. Design of National Qualifications Frameworks
Levels Descriptors Workload

7 Differences between QF-EHEA and NQF
QF for EHEA NQF Cycles/levels 3 cycles Nationally defined number of levels Level descriptors Dublin descriptors: 5 dimensions More specific, additional dimensions Workload Broad credit ranges More specific definitions

8 Descriptors of qualifications and learning outcomes
Dublin descriptors (generic) Knowledge and understanding applying knowledge and understanding making judgements communication skills learning skills Not subject specific

9 Credit ranges in ECTS Bachelor programmes: 180-240 ECTS
Master programmes: ECTS Doctoral programmes: 180 ECTS

10 5. Consultations Institutions and labour market partners
Important for the acceptance and support of the QF

11 Steps in establishing NQF (2)
6 Approval According to national tradition by Minister/Government/legislation 7 Administrative set-up Division of tasks of implementation between HEI, QAA and other bodies 8 Implementation at institutional/programme level Reformulation of individual study programmes to learning outcome based approch 9 Inclusion of qualifications in the NQF Accreditation or similar (cfr. Berlin Communiqué) 10 Self-certification of compatibility with the EHEA framework (Alignment to Bologna cycles etc.) WG Report nr. 1 Pilot projects

12 10. Alignment of NQF to the EHEA-framework
No external control but trust building Minimum criteria for the verification that a NQF is compatible with the EHEA framework Procedures for self-certification of compatibility Role of Quality Assurance

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