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Form Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Form Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Form Creation

2 Objective Able to create a simple form (questionnaire).
Able to add various questions type items: text ; paragraph text; Multiple choice; Checkboxes; Drop down menuChoose from a list; Scale and date. Know the difference between various question type items. Able to preview and send a form through . Able to collect form responses with a spreadsheet.

3 Steps Log in to g-mail Select Google apps ( top right hand corner)
Click the More button

4 Steps Select Forms Select the template Select the new form button
e.g. Start a new Form Or Select the new form button

5 Steps Enter the title Enter the question Select the item

6 Steps No need to save as all change would be saved automatically saved.

7 Item Short answer (Text box) Paragraph (Paragraph text)
Enter a single line of text Paragraph (Paragraph text) Enter a paragraph of text

8 Item Checkboxes Drop-down Select many items from a list
Select an item from a list

9 Item Multiple-choice grid (Choose from a list)

10 Item Linear Scale (Scale) Date
Choose the result from a series of number list Date Enter a date

11 Selecting criteria Do NOT let the user to TYPE as far as possible
Give the user an option to choose

12 Send the from Press the send button Enter the address

13 View Response Check the Responses button Or

14 Exercise Create a form to ask FIVE of your classmates to enter Name
Class number Marks given to your video ( 1 -5 with 5 as highest) Feedback

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