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St Barnabas & St Philip’s CoE School

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1 St Barnabas & St Philip’s CoE School
Head Teacher Replacement Analysis of options

2 Option 1 Like for Like replacement (recruit a Head teacher)
Most obvious and well known solution to replacing the Head Teacher (HT) Advantages: HT focused on the school Maintain individual strengths and culture within school Continuity & Stability Disadvantages: Not supported by the LA or LDBS (not sustainable – funding) HT recruitment (Location, Size and Performance of our school) Budget constraints Requires re-organisation of structure Potential to destabilise the SLT

3 Option 2 Promote within The legal position is that a headship must be advertised externally Internal candidates may apply

4 Option 3 Executive Head (using a memorandum of understanding)
Supported by LA and LDBS Time limited (can create bridge to a longer term relationship) Planned reviews to monitor its effectiveness Each school remains a separate entity, (separate board of governors, delegated budget and inspected separately) Possibility of working with St Mary Abbots School which is a good fit (culturally, geographically), and timing of HT vacancies is an opportunity

5 What potential advantages does an Executive Head bring to pupils, parents and staff?
Continuity and stability that largely retains existing school structures Supports the existing SLT members EH potential to identify synergies in both schools through sharing of ideas, practices and staff Enhanced opportunities for staff professional development Potential to share services/resources across both school to create economies of scale

6 What potential disadvantages does an Executive Head bring to pupils, parents and staff?
Potential loss of individual strengths and culture within our school Loss of HT which is focused on our school EH not always present on site Potential disconnect between HT and HofS causing lack of efficiency

7 Information regarding the post of Head Of School
Generally Deputy Head promoted to head of School and Assistant Head Teacher promoted to Deputy Head – these would be enhanced roles, with new challenges and opportunities Generally HoS and DHoS would have day to day responsibility for school supported by EH Generally the point of contact for the majority of issues and concerns would remain with HoS and DHoS

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