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Relativistic Kinematics

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Presentation on theme: "Relativistic Kinematics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relativistic Kinematics

2 The Problem… You are at rest in a train moving a 0.50 relative to the lab frame (“v”). If you toss a (relativistic) baseball with a speed of 0.38 (“u”) in your direction of motion, how fast will the ball appear to move as seen from the lab frame?

3 Via spacetime diagrams…
Events A & B mark the motion of the ball Worldline of the ball is shown in yellow




7 How can we use Lorentz Transformations to get this?

8 Relativistic Velocity Addition Formula (parallel)

9 Relativistic Velocity Addition Formula (transverse)

10 Example… A photon torpedo ( u’ = c) is fired toward you from a Klingon warship moving at v’ = ¾ directly away from you. How fast does the torpedo appear to be moving when it reaches you?

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