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By Yupei Xiong, Damon Gulczynski, Bruce Golden, and Edward Wasil

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1 By Yupei Xiong, Damon Gulczynski, Bruce Golden, and Edward Wasil
Worst-case Analysis for the Split Delivery VRP with Minimum Delivery Amounts By Yupei Xiong, Damon Gulczynski, Bruce Golden, and Edward Wasil Presented August 2010

2 SDVRP There has been a lot of work published on the SDVRP in the last 5 years Archetti, Savelsbergh, and Speranza published a nice paper on worst-case analysis in 2006 They asked the question: In the worst case, how badly can the VRP perform relative to the SDVRP? In the best case, how much better can you do with split deliveries vs. no split deliveries?

3 SDVRP z(VRP) Archetti et al. show that ≤2 z(SDVRP)
and the bound is tight Key point: You can do 50% better, if you allow split deliveries The bound is tight z(VRP) z(SDVRP) ≤2 1 Є Q/2 + 1

4 SDVRP-MDA Next, Damon, Ed, and I looked at a generalization of the SDVRP motivated by practical concerns: SDVRP-MDA Deliveries take time and are costly to customers and distributors How can we model this? We use a percentage (e.g., 10%) We published a paper on this in Trans. Res. E Given an instance, solve it to near-optimality

5 SDVRP-MDA Let p be the minimum percentage delivered
When p=0, we have the SDVRP When p>0.5, we have the VRP We asked the question: In the best case, how much better can you do with SDVRP-MDA vs. VRP, as a function of p? What did we expect?

6 Vehicle capacity is 120 units.
SDVRP-MDA Example SDVRP p = 0 Total Distance = 22 SDVRP-MDA p = .3 Total Distance = 24 VRP Total Distance = 30 (100) (100) (100) 2 2 2 1 5 3 Depot Depot Depot (80) (80) (60) (20) (60) (20) 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 (60) (40) Vehicle capacity is 120 units. 6

7 SDVRP-MDA Let’s look at an instance We expected something like
In general, as p increases from 0 (within 0 < p ≤0.5), the cost (distance) increases In other words, as p increases, split deliveries buy you less We expected something like z(VRP) ≤ 2 – p for 0 < p ≤ 0.5 z(SDVRP-MDA)

8 SDVRP-MDA Example for p=.5 z(VRP) 6
2 1 Є Cap = 3 Example for p=.5 On the other hand, we were able to prove a very surprising result Assume all customer demands are equal and not larger than vehicle capacity z(VRP) z(SDVRP-MDA)

9 SDVRP-MDA z(VRP) ≤ 2 for 0 < p < 0.5 z(SDVRP-MDA)
and the bound is tight Corollary. For arbitrary demands (no larger than vehicle capacity), the above result still holds Now, what happens when p=0.5?

10 SDVRP-MDA First, assume demands are equal and not larger than vehicle capacity We were able to prove that The only case not addressed is when p=0.5 and demands are arbitrary (no larger than vehicle capacity) Our conjecture is that the bound of 1.5 still applies z(VRP) z(SDVRP-MDA) ≤1.5

11 The Last Case We are working to settle this last case
If anyone in the audience can settle it before us, please let me know We’ll gladly add you as a co-author

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