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Higher physical education

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1 Higher physical education
Performance Skills Unit - Evaluating Paper (12 Marks) Question 3.a.

2 Where's question 2? Question 2 is based on your Special Performance and is worth 40 Marks. The marks are accessed from six different areas: 1. Performance repertoire (8 Marks) 2. Control & Fluency (8 Marks) 3. Decision-Making & Problem-Solving (8 Marks) 4. Effectiveness of Following Through on Decisions (8 Marks) 5. Rules, regulations & etiquette (4 Marks) 6. Control of emotions (4 Marks)

3 Question 3.a. This part of your Evaluating Paper is worth 6 Marks (6% of your overall grade). Now you have identified your two challenges, how they might impact your special performance AND how you now plan to address them, you know need to analyse how effective these strategies/actions were. In other words… What did you do? How/Why did it help? Or how/why did it not help?

4 What's the question? Below is the question you will be given when sitting Question 3.a: Analyse the effectiveness of your preparation for the two challenges explained in 1.a.

5 First thing's first… What does the command word 'analyse' mean?
Assess or examine how effective the strategy/action, or component parts, were in addressing your challenges. You must provide evidence from your performance to support your assessment. Basically…say what you did…and what impact it had on you and your challenge.

6 The nitty gritty stuff…
In order to access the 12 Marks, I will need to: Analyse BOTH strategies/actions/steps. Provide at least three analytical points for each challenge. State what the strategy got you to do – be very specific! (one sentence) Explain HOW that impacted you and your challenge. Or how it didn't…! Use examples from your SPECIAL PERFORMANCE to back this up.

7 A wee example… Activity – 400m sprinter
Challenge – Running confidently in a lane on the outside of the track (7 or 8) Strategy – Visualisation Analysis – "The plan to visualise a successful, strong and confident performance in lane 7 or 8, worked very effectively prior to my special performance. Visualising a confident and quick start out of the blocks allowed me to focus only on the starter's gun and not on which lane I was in. This meant that I was able to start my 400m race much quicker, putting me in a better position, ahead of the other runners, in the early stages of the race."

8 So how do I structure this analysis?
Go for a four-step approach: Step 1: State whether or not your strategy/action worked effectively or not. Simples. "The plan to visualise a successful, strong and confident performance in lane 7 or 8, worked very effectively prior to my special performance."

9 "By visualising a confident and quick start out of the blocks…"
Step 2 Describe something quite specific the strategy/action got you to do before/during your performance. "By visualising a confident and quick start out of the blocks…"

10 Step 3 Explain what that specific thing made YOU do or stopped YOU from doing: "…allowed me to focus only on the starter's gun and not on which lane I was in."

11 Step 4 Explain the effect that had on YOUR special performance – relate this to the outcome or significant aspect of performance such as possession, territory, shots on target etc. "This meant that I was able to start my 400m race much quicker, putting me in a better position, ahead of the other runners, in the early stages of the race."

12 Task 1 Analyse why the following strategies/actions WOULD work for their respective athletes. Use the four-step approach to analyse these effectively. 1. A volleyball team meeting for the first time, an hour early, to learn names, strengths and weaknesses and other relevant information. 2. A coach giving their GS a target, specific to their shooting, in each quarter of the match.

13 Steps 1-4 "The plan to meet my team mates an hour before the warm-up, worked very effectively prior to my special performance in volleyball. "During the discussions, we went through each other's names individually until we all knew our preferred names." "Learning everyone's names, prior to my special performance, allowed me to use their names effectively on several occasions throughout the match when passing them the ball." "This meant that our team were able to keep the ball 'alive' for longer periods of play, and forced the opposition to play the ball again until they made mistakes. We managed to score several points by doing this."

14 Task 2 A lack of speed in a singles tennis player. PLAY CLOSER TO THE BASELINE A lack of height in a Goal Keeper in Netball. PLAY GD INSTEAD High levels of anxiety in a hockey Goal Keeper. DEEP BREATHING PRIOR A gymnast up against a much stronger performer. VISUALISATION A lack of concentration in a Basketball player. TRIGGER WORDS FOR EACH OF THE STRATEGIES OR ACTIONS ABOVE, ANALYSE ONE REASON WHY THEY MIGHT NOT HAVE WORKED SUCCESSFULLY FOR THAT PERFORMER. USE THE FOUR-STEP APPROACH TO STRUCTURE YOUR ANSWERS.

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