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Female Reproductive Anatomy

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1 Female Reproductive Anatomy
To follow along: take notes in your notebook on the function of each part. Fill out the lines on the worksheet.

2 Front view of the female reproductive system.
Vagina: the opening to the outside of her body. Inside the body, it connects to the uterus. Vagina

3 Ovaries Eggs and estrogen (the female hormone) are produced here.
Usually, they take turns ovulating: the monthly release of an egg. Estrogen causes a girl’s body to develop into a woman’s. Ovaries Ovary Vagina

4 Fallopian tubes When an egg is released, it travels down to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If an egg gets fertilized, this is where it will happen. Fallopian tubes Ovary Vagina

5 Uterus This is where a baby develops. Colloquially called the “womb.”
If the egg was not fertilized in the fallopian tubes, it will be shed, along with the lining of the uterus, during her monthly period. Fallopian tubes Ovary Uterus Vagina

6 Cervix The neck of uterus.
This is where a doctor or nurse would collect cells during a Pap Test. They are looking for changes in the cells that might mean a cancer would develop. They can usually remove the cells long before they would become cancer. Fallopian tubes Ovary Uterus cervix Vagina

7 Having a baby After the baby has developed for nine months in the uterus, it usually comes out through the vagina (except in the case of a c- section). Fallopian tubes Ovary Uterus cervix Vagina

8 Side view of female reproductive anatomy.
A woman has three openings in her private parts. In the front is the urethra, where urine (“pee”) comes out. It is attached to the bladder. In the middle is the vagina, where her period comes out (or a baby!) The third opening is the anus, where a bowel movement comes out. bladder vagina anus urethra

9 Labia Two folds of skin that protect the openings to the urethra and the vagina. bladder vagina anus urethra labia

10 Clitoris In the front, where the labia meet.
A cluster of sensitive nerve endings. This can become erect, like a penis, but it is very small. bladder vagina clitoris anus urethra labia

11 Check your answers on the next slide.
Try to identify the unlabeled parts using the information from the other side of your handout. Check your answers on the next slide. bladder vagina clitoris anus urethra labia

12 Fallopian tube ovary uterus cervix bladder vagina clitoris anus urethra labia

13 Quiz comin’ up! You have a quiz on Friday of both male and female reproductive anatomy. You will be asked to identify parts and functions of both. It may have the front view or the side view. The Quizlet set has been updated to have both male and female terms. Alternatively, you could use this time to work on the MESAS Science Contest.

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