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Do the following (in this order)

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1 Do the following (in this order)
Clear off your desks (EXCEPT FOR PERIODIC TABLES I GAVE YOU YESTERDAY IN CLASS) Complete POP QUIZ (using Periodic Table) Take out your Science Notebook and glue the SMALL SHEET OF PAPER into it (this is where we will start our notes for today). Write down homework (I will change the slide when you are doing the quiz) Complete warm up (on the next slide, I will change it while you are taking the quiz) You have exactly 6 minutes (timed) to do all of this…please be quiet and focus….do not waste time.

2 Today is Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Homework: Round 2, try again….tomorrow, turn in your 1) independent variable, and 2) dependent variable on a piece of paper (if not done - Science Fair Experiment) Make Your Own Drink lab tomorrow REMEMBER!!!!! Warm Up: Take out your Periodic Table (so I can see you have done it) In table groups, discuss the following….. - What is an independent variable? - What is a dependent variable? - What is an experimental group? - What is the best way to measure the distance from SMIC School to the Jingqiao Carrefour, in centimeters, meters, or kilometers?

3 Goal for Today SWBAT Identify a single independent variable in a scientific investigation and explain how this variable can be used to collect information to answer a question about the results of the experiment. SWBAT Select appropriate tools (thermometers, meter sticks, balances, and graduated cylinders) and make quantitative observations.

4 FIRST THINGS FIRST…. Make sure you have your science notebook out.
You will be starting the notes today DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH the small sheet of paper you glued into your notebooks.

5 Don’t write this down…. Today we are going to talk about the components of an experiment and ways to accurately measure experimental results (what tools do you need?) Let’s review… Independent variable: This is the part that you control. “You, the scientific researcher, have TOTAL CONTROL over this.” Dependent variable: – This is the thing in your experiment that you are measuring or observing for change. This change happens depending on what you DO WITH YOUR INPEDENDENT VARIABLE.

6 Let’s look at an example…..
PLEASE WRITE EVERYTHING IN BLUE ON THIS SLIDE….. Sample project: “How does the color of light affect plant growth?” For my experiment I will have four groups of plants growing. There will be 3 plants in each group. One group will receive only water and normal sunlight. The other three groups will receive the same amount of water, but will be exposed to different colors of light. For my sample experiment, what is the independent variable? The part that I can change and control? Independent Variable = Color of light What is my dependent variable? The part that I’m measuring or observing for change? Dependent Variable = Plant growth (how tall the plant grows)

7 Don’t write this down…. Control Group – This is the group in your experiment that experiences “normal” conditions: For your science fair project you might not have a control group….that is ok. Experimental Group – This is the group in your experiment that experiences your independent variable. This is the group you are testing When your experiment is finished, this is the group that will show you your results.

8 Let’s look back at our example…..
PLEASE WRITE EVERYTHING IN BLUE ON THIS SLIDE….. For my sample experiment, what is the experimental group? The group (or groups) I am testing? Experimental Group = Groups of plants exposed to different colors of light What is my control group? The group exposed to “normal” conditions? Control Group = Group of plants exposed to sunlight only.

Constants – These are the things in the experiment that remain the same the entire time the experiment is going on in BOTH the Experimental and Control groups. For my sample experiment, let’s infer what some constants could be. The parts that never change for either group. Constants (the things that never change) = Species of plant used, amount of water given, time exposed to light, pot size, soil type.

10 The Importance of Using the Correct Measuring Tool (if it’s in blue, please write it down)
Your results make the best sense if measured correctly. For example, if you are measuring for plant growth (height), but your results only show air temperature readings for the air around your plants, that is not very helpful.

11 Use the right tool, use the right unit.
For example, what is the better way to measure the distance between SMIC Kindergarten and SMIC MHS – centimeters, meters, kilometers, or light years? Meters would work well in this case (i.e. 250m). Kilometers could also work (i.e. 0.25Km). Light years would be too large and cumbersome (i.e. less than a fraction of a light year). Centimeters would be too small, so the number would be a large, cumbersome number.

12 Example (don’t write this down)
Caterina is doing a science experiment to how fast fish grow in different temperatures of water. She uses the same species of fish in all her groups. What should she use to measure the temperature of the water with? A thermometer in degrees Celcius What should she use to measure the fish with Probably a ruler in centimeters

13 Closing it up….. Tell your shoulder partner 2 constants in your own Science Fair Experiment before you leave.

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