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Chengyu Sun California State University, Los Angeles

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1 Chengyu Sun California State University, Los Angeles
CS5220 Advanced Topics in Web Programming Angular – Components and Directives Chengyu Sun California State University, Los Angeles

2 index.html The "single page" in SPA
The page that hosts all the components such as <app-root>

3 Component User-defined tags as opposed to standard HTML tags like <button> Appearance: HTML and CSS Behavior: TypeScript Difference between Angular components and JSTL custom tags??

4 @Component selector: name of the tag templateUrl or template
styleUrls or styles More options

5 NgModule: The Angular Module System …
The one-file-per-module approach of CommonJS/ES6 is limiting file file file file file file file file

6 … NgModule: The Angular Module System
A NgModule group multiple files (i.e. components, services, and so on) into one module file file file file file file file file NgModule NgModule

7 @NgModule … Each module must export a class that is decorated declarations: components/directives/pipes that belong to this module imports: modules which this module depends on

8 exports: components/directives/pipes that can be used by other modules providers: injectable objects (usually services) provided by this module bootstrap: the component(s) to load when this module is used to bootstrap (i.e. to start) an application

9 Bootstrap An Application
maint.ts : bootstrapModule(AppModule) app.module.ts : bootstrap: [AppComponent] app.component.html : <app-guest-book> GuestBookComponent

10 About NgModule declarations and exports deal with components/directives/pipes, i.e. things used in templates While components/directives/pipes can be "private", services are always "public" imports deals with modules imports vs import

11 Example: Guest Book (Single Page)
My Guest Book Add Comment John says: Hello! 4/29/2018 Jane says: Your website looks nice. 4/11/2018 Joe says: Nice to meet you. 3/5/2018

12 Create A New Component guest-book
ng generate component <name> Generated files Naming conventions for components Tags and files Classes and methods

13 GuestBook – Data Data model class
ngOnInit() is one of the component lifecycle hooks called after the component is constructed Code suggestion and auto import in Visual Studio Code

14 GuestBook – Display Properties of a component class can be accessed directly in the component template Interpolation: {{}} Directive: ngFor Pipe: date

15 Pipes Chain-able formatting operators that can be applied to expressions {{entry.date | date:'M/d/yyy'}} {{ | number:'1.2-2' | currency:'USD'}}

16 Directive Encapsulated DOM-related logic that can be used to compose user interface Types of directives Component (i.e. directive with a view) Structural directive, e.g. ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch Attribute directive, e.g. ngStyle and ngClass

17 ngFor Variable can have any name
<div *ngFor="let entry of entries"> {{entry.name}} </div> Property <div *ngFor="let entry of entries; let index = index"> {{index}}. {{entry.name}} </div> Variable Variable can have any name Properties: index, first, last, even, odd

18 ngIf <p *ngIf="entries.length == 0"> No entries yet. </p>
<p *ngIf="entries.length == 0; else hasEntries"> No entries yet. </p> <ng-template #hasEntries> <p>There are some entries.</p> </ng-template> Name of a element

19 ngSwitch <div [ngSwitch]="day">
<span *ngSwitchCase="1">Monday</span> <span *ngSwitchCase="2">Tuesday</span> <span *ngSwitchCase="3">Wednesday</span> <span *ngSwitchCase="4">Thursday</span> <span *ngSwitchCase="5">Friday</span> <span *ngSwitchDefault>Weekend</span> </div>

20 ngStyle An object <p [ngStyle]="{color: 'red', background: 'yellow'}"> Some text </p> <p [style.color]="'blue'">hello</p> A string

21 ngClass CSS classes: .red { color: red; }
.yellow { background: yellow; } <p [ngClass]="'red'">Some text</p> <p [ngClass]="['yellow', 'red']">Some text</p> <p [ngClass]="{yellow: true, red: false}">Some text</p>

22 The Component Hierarchy

23 Example App Component GuestBook Component AddEntry Component

24 Pass Data from Parent to Child
guest-book.component.ts: @Input() entries: GuestBookEntry[]; app.component.html: <app-guest-book [entries]="entries"> An input property in the child component A property in the current component

25 AddEntryComponent Template
A variable in the view representing the current element Name: <input type="text" #name> <br> Message: <input type="text" #message> <br> <button (click)="addEntry(name, message)">Add</button> Event Event handler in the component

26 AddEntryComponent Code
Angular is still JavaScript DOM events like click DOM elements like HTMLInputElement Event handler return false to stop event propagation

27 Pass Data from Child to Parent …
add-entry.component.ts: @Ouput() entryAdded: EventEmitter<GuestBookEntry> = new EventEmitter<GuestBookEntry>(); this.entryAdded.emit( new GuestBookEntry(name.value, message.value));

28 … Pass Data from Child to Parent
app.component.html: <app-add-entry (entryAdded)="addEntry($event)"> app.component.ts: addEntry(entry: GuestBookEntry): void { this.entries.push(entry); }

29 To Component Or Not To Component
Putting everything inside one component seems to make coding easier (i.e. no need to pass data between components), so when is it better to create more components??

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