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SEHS Department Meetings - September 8th

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Presentation on theme: "SEHS Department Meetings - September 8th"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEHS Department Meetings - September 8th

2 PURPOSE: To begin to embed the school wide observable goal into the PLC Cycle To define and establish purposeful groupings based on student needs Continue establishing true collaboration OUTCOME: Collaborate with colleagues to begin the PLC CYCLE: embed the school wide observable goal commit to purposeful grouping strategies

3 Oh Yeah! Community Builder FOUR DAY WEEKEND
Dept chairs can use their own community builders What are you going to do on your 4 day weekend/ Oh Yeah!

4 Students and teachers will use purposeful groups for collaborative discussion and assignments as a method for academic achievement and learning. Quick reference, also found on where is your PLC ?

5 Purposeful Groups What do purposeful groups look like?
ELs, LTELs, Sp. Ed, gifted, RFEP, IFEP, EOs, gender, sub groups etc.. Strategies to facilitate purposeful groupings/discussions/collaboration EXAMPLES: jigsaw, read around, Socratic seminars etc.. Have a conversation within your PLC

6 PLC Time! Begin cycle… embed school wide observational goal

7 Share Around PLC Commitments PLC Leads What are your PLC commitments ?
Share out with the DEPT.

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